Chapter 11

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Shit shit shit SHIT.

Kat has caught me and fucking Anthony kissing.

"What the actual fuck Anthony! And you!" She points at me, "you bitch! You were my best friend! You promised!"

That 'were' just hit me like a truck

"Look I'm sorry don't blame Leah it was me!" Ant says taking the blame

"No." I say, "no I- she has to know now, I can't keep feeling like this around both of you."

"Wait. Is he?" Shit shit shit, "I- oh my God he's the father! Isn't he Leah!"
I nod to her

"Father? Of-of-of what. Wait. Are you?" He asks me looking into my eyes

I nod

"Oh shit." He holds his hands on his head and paces around

Kat stands there fuming and then she storms out

"Kat! Wait!" I yell after her

"Mum! Actually I want to come with you guys, I could never leave you both! Please take me!" She begs

"Sweetheart what's wrong? Of course you can stay with us! We're really happy! What about Leah though?"

"I don't care." She says and runs back to her room."


That was the last time I saw the Adams family. It's been 5 years now and I live with Liam in an apartment near to his college. Due to my daughter Liliana being born I haven't had a chance for school.

Me and Chloe actually became close after kat left and we work together in a cafe below our apartment she lives next door to us. We both poured savings into opening it and it's good because Liliana loves it.

She's a bubbly and sociable and never stops talking. She has her sass and her love for sports which she obviously it from Anthony

He hasn't made any kind of effort to talk to me and neither has Kat which was expected.

Lili has occasionally asked about her dad like there was a time around Father's Day and at school they were making cards and she came home with a card made but no dad there.

Now I haven't completely cut him off, I have sent messages about her a couple of times to keep him updated but no reply has ever come.

Liam and Chloe has both been great! They help me out all the time. They love Liliana and she loves them.

"Mummy! Mum! Wake uppppppp!"
I open my eyes and see lili on my face giggling

"Get off you little midget!" I joke and push her off my face
"Mummy! I'm hungry!" She says crossing her arms

She just switches, she can be sweet and funny then hangry.
"I'm up! Why can't uncle Liam make you food? He's usually up at this time."

"Dereks here. They are doing homework."

At 6:45, sure.
"Alright then let's change then go down. I really need coffee right now." I say

"Yeah me too!"
"No, no you don't. You can have a capri-sun."
"Whatever!" She has such an attitude, that might be my past selfs fault

I don't actually remember the last party I went to. It was probably that party, the one with Anthony.

We get down and chloe is there with breakfast prepared.

"This is why I love you, but I would love you more if you had....." I begin
She brings out my coffee, "my saint!" I begin drinking it

I never liked coffee, I liked the beer, champagne, even juice or tea, never coffee. But the night feeds, changes crying completely changed me and caused this addiction.

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