Chapter 9

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- Leah
"Your not fucking serious!" He yells at me

"I am okay. Just please sit down and calm. Let me explain."

After a few paces he sits on my bed, angry.

"It was that party we both snuck out too and after he drove me home then we had a moment and did it. That's why he's been acting strange. Me. I said I never wanted to date him and he was referring to me. Then when I went to help him in the locker room a while back we did it again. But I told him never again and now he's has Isabelle." I explain

"Twice? Twice! Okay okay, I'm gonna whoop his ass for this!" He gets up

I push him back down and say, "he doesn't know I'm pregnant. Only Liam and Kat. And Kat cannot know about me and Anthony. She'll probably find out but I want to tell them."

"Fine. You better tell him before it's born, as much as I hate him now, he has that right."

"Thank you joey. I love you and really appreciate you keeping this secret." I hug him and he eventually hugs back

"Your my little sister. I just want what's best for you." He says into my ear


I'm at my locker. I used to dress amazingly but all I wear is jumpers now to cover my bump.

I see Anthony with Isabelle, kissing her neck.

Then I see joey approaching them.

With anger in his eyes

"Dude what up with you?" Anthony asks latching his arm around her waist

"Nothing okay!" Joey says

"So I see he knows." Kat says from behind.

"Yeah he wasn't pleased and now he hates all guys." I kinda lie

"Understandable. So how about the parents, are you coming for a long lasting sleepover?" She says

"Nope. Strangely enough they were great and happy for me. I thought I'd be packing and running to you." I say

"Hey girlies how did it go Leah?" Liam asks

"Great actually but joey wasn't great at all!" I tell him

"Aw maybe I can help hot stuff get better." He says

"Liam!" I laugh, "he isn't looking as far as I know, him and Jess are just broken up!"

"Doesn't mean I can't be the swoop in and be the supportive guy who eventually he falls in love with and happily ever after!"

"Last week you were in love with my dad! You change guy every week!" Kat says

"What can I say You introduce me to him and I just fall in love!" He says exaggerating as he looks into the distance


Chloe and Kat are tutoring so me and Liam are gonna hang out at my house.

"Your bedroom is amazing. How have I never been here before?"

"Because your obsessed with froyo and any chance you get you'll go." I remind him

"Yeah that's true. I'm gonna go pee." He runs into the bathroom

Joey comes in and he sits on my bed.

"You feeling okay today?"

"Yeah better, so subtle around Anthony like that!" I yell at him

"He got you pregnant I can be however I like with him as long as I'm keeping your secret!" He yells

"Anthony's the father?" Liam shouts
Well shit!

"Well done you dick! Get out of here your stressing me out!" I shoo him away and turn to Liam giggling on my bed

"You and Anthony fucked and I didn't know! Ooo kats gonna be pissed is that why you didn't tell her! Does he know?"

"Yes we did. Yes kats gonna hate me forever. No he doesn't know. I plan on telling him closer to the time. I want to tell Kat first but I don't know when. Please please please Liam don't tell her!" I beg

"Of course I won't! I love you and Kat too much to be torn in between! And it's your choice. So...... how was it? Wait! Is that why he kept on staring at you on my first day!"

"Yeah. And when I text you to stay with Chloe we did it again. It feels so good to get this out in the open! I needed to tell someone!" I feel a bit relieved

"Yeah. Omg what is he in love with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well he seemed depressed and he doesn't seem to look at Isabelle they way he looks at you."

"Really.... I never noticed it... you think? No! Wait! Nothing would ever happen anyway! Forget I asked."

Liam stayed over for dinner and then I drove him home. I get a call from kat a bit later


"Slow down and why?" What's he done now

"He got into college and it's really far which he wasn't meant to do and now my parents want me to move away with them in a few weeks to settle in! How am I gonna help you and be with Chloe?!" She yells

"Calm down I'm picking you up."

She's moving? And so is he...

I find her outside her house crying  and I get her in the car and drive to the froyo place

"My mum and dad just wanted him to go to college near us so they can help and he- he thought it was sma-smart to pick a college so far. He doesn't care how much this will effect me. How I'll leave you, pregnant and alone!" She crying whilst taking a spoon in her mouth

"Look maybe we can just sort something out. Maybe you can live with me! I have a spare room. We were gonna make a nursery but you are just as important. Besides your parents can visit al the time!"

She sits for a bit thinking.

"That could work.... What a genius best  friend is! And my parents won't mind. I get to be here for you and baby and Chloe and Liam!"

"Do you think they let you?"

"Yeah, they should think about me too and give Anthony a bit of freedom. Like isn't joey going there too and your parents are backing off?"

"Yeah but that's because they're focusing on the baby and he's pissed off a lot mor now so they just let him be him. They love you and will love to have you stay." I would love to her her stay too but sooner or later she's gonna find out.

"Okay I'm gonna ask my parents, fingers crossed!" She says crossing her fingers

I drop her off and I get home and ask my parents too

"Hey guys. Me and Kat had a plan to raise the baby together and now Anthony is going college they want to move and she doesn't want to leave, so if it's okay with you and her parents can she stay here for a bit?"

"Well of course honey we adore Kat, she's a good influence, makes you study hard doesn't she?" My dad says

"Uh yeah." I agree.

I run up to my room and lay on my bed and call Kat

"So? My parents said it's okay, how about you?" I ask

"...........IM MOVING IN!" She yells right through

"Kat, girl the baby is shaking from that! But OMG I'm so excited! When?"

"Two weeks. They were so cool with it."

"That's great!"

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