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It didn't take long for me to travel from my house and into the woods. With the lack of townspeople out and the guards being distracted by inspections, I didn't have to constantly make it seem like I was doing something else in order to cover up me going into the forest.

The cold winter wind blows the tree branches of the forest, just enough to knock the snow that had accumulated on them off. The sound was actually comforting now in the bright light of the afternoon compared to before.

It would have been a warmer afternoon, for winter at least, if it weren't for the wind. The morning overcast was gone, leaving the sun to shine brightly in the blue sky. It's a perfect afternoon for a walk.

I am sure that Henry will freak out when he finds out that I came into the forest alone again. I understand his concerns but I also love my alone time. It's not like I can stay in my home or in town and get the alone time that I really want. It's almost more calming to me knowing that there is no one around me for miles. It gives me a flicker of a feeling that I can't put my finger on. Being away from the town and being away from everyone in general, is the only time I really get to experience this feeling.

I allow myself to wander aimlessly while taking note of my path. I stay in areas that I have been in before, preferring to keep the security of my familiar surroundings. I always tell myself that I want to venture farther in here or at least to new places, but when the time comes, I never do.

I like to stick to what I know and I rarely deviate from it. That's why rules and laws, to me, are easily followed. I struggle and get really uncomfortable with change, which is probably why I have been so off lately. There has been so many changes around me that it's really starting to throw me for a loop.

On top of all of the changes, there has been the seeds of doubt planted inside me by Alaric, my sisters, and my father in regards to Henry. Even Henry himself has given me reasons to doubt or not trust him. At this point, I was beating the topic like a dead horse. It's not like I am getting anywhere with thinking about it. All it does is leave me with more questions and more uncertainty.

Even if he has been keeping things from me, it still won't change how I feel about him. I mean it when I say that I love him for him, flaws and all. I've seen my mother overlook the flaws and differences that my father has. I see how happy they are and how strong their relationship is. Overlooking your significant other's flaws and each other's differences are just what comes with the territory of a relationship.

I sigh and look around at my surroundings. I imagine every path and where they lead to while trying to decide which direction I want to go in. I could go right which would lead toward the half tent that Henry and I go to all the time. I could go left toward the bridge and creek. I could go forward just to enjoy the scenery of the trees some more, but is also the one I travel the least.

In my small moment of spontaneity among my few seconds of weighing my options, I decide to continue walking forward. It's almost as if my body made the decision itself before my mind could decide.

My eyes wandered around the surroundings, taking in every little detail I possibly could. The large fallen tree split in half, which almost looked like it had been burnt, to my right. The deer and other forest animal's foot prints that crossed the trail every so often. The orange foxes that rolled around and played in the snow banks. I smiled and watched the foxes play together in the snow. They jumped over each other and chased each other around, almost as if they were playing tag.

I furrow my eyebrows when they stop and look over in the same direction in an area behind me, standing as still as possible. They bowed their head slightly as if something has caught their attention, to what I could only assume was their prey. I did notice an abundance of wood mice in the area. 

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