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This is part 1/3 of a triple update

Enjoy <3



I never would have thought it would be this quiet only a few hallways from the loud orchestra and the crowd, yet here I am.

The castle on the inside is more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. I've only ever seen the area where the balls took place because I would have never dared to go wondering off, especially by myself.

But this year is different.

I am different.

I have changed so much over a year and even more so in the last few weeks.

I may have not made these night and day changes on how I act or dress but my outlook and opinions on things have changed. It's like for the first time in forever, I am seeing things more clearly and in my own way.

In some ways it makes me sad that I have lost a few years of my life thinking that everything in this world is negative or out to get me, but I know that I needed to go through those times so that I can be who I am today and who I will be in the future.

I partially blame Henry for it but I primarily blame myself for not being strong or confident enough to formulate my own thoughts and opinions. I used to look at my sisters with such distaste because they turned into ditzy school girls around men they found attractive but little did I know that I was doing the exact same around him.

I never realized how ignorant I actually was.

I let him chose for me and think for me without me even realizing it and the sad thing is, is that I feel like I would still take him back in a heartbeat if somehow our situation magically changed.

What does that say about me and my character, or hell even my morals?

Although the recent changes on life have been great, it still has not answered or calmed my questions and insecurities. I still feel like I don't have a passion or a drive for something. The only thing that I truly feel determined to do is to get to this damn balcony.

When Alaric gave me the directions it felt like it wouldn't have been as long of a walk as it actually is. The walk is actually making my legs burn and making me feel out of breath. Partially due to the dress and the heels but mostly because these hallways seem never ending.

I must have been walking for a few minutes before the open doors of the balcony came into my view.

"Finally," I muttered to myself and allowed my pace to quicken.

I'm not sure when the King is meant to do his speech but I am sure it will be sooner rather than later so I need to be sure to not lose track of time while I am out here.

I looked behind me and saw a few people walk past the hallway in conversation minding their own business. Their voices seemed so far away and muffled even though they only must have been a dozen or so yards away. It was strange seeing as I could hear the music of the orchestra slowly appear at a low volume but was still louder than their voices.

The cold air blew against my face as soon as I step out into the balcony but it didn't shock me more than seeing a man already on the balcony. A man that I seem to keep running into and a man that was honestly the last person I thought I would see at the ball.

A man that still remained nameless to me.

He turned his head slightly when he heard the sound of my heel hit the marble stone of the balcony.

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