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This is part 1 of the double update.

Enjoy loves!!!


No one's POV

It was rare— oh so rare for Harry to be completely and utterly speechless. Yes he loved to bask in the silence of the world and for many reasons.

One, he loved to be left alone with his thoughts.  

Two, over his lifetime he believes that he has done too much talking for his own liking.

Three, The sound of his voice irritates him. He hates how tired and dull it sounds and despises the fact that he can't change that even when he wants to. Hence why he believes that he has done too much talking for his liking.

Four, sadistically he loves the fear and uncomfortability of silence. Something that he always tried to use to his advantage.

Harry's silence has always been one of purpose and his own doing. He's always been the one to start the silence, keep the silence, and end the silence.

But Harry, for the first time, is rendered completely silent.

He paces back and forth while running his stressed and shaky hands through his brown curls. His hair occasionally sticking to his hands because of the blood that covered them.

Her blood.

The silence angered him, even more than he already was. Silence showed that there were too many unknowns— too many ends left untied. He didn't know where to begin or what to do.

He wanted to go to the clinic, he wanted to stay in her room in case she came back, he wanted to go find whoever could have done this to her.

His mind flicking back and forth with lightning speed. It's the one thing he had never been able to figure out how to silence. His thoughts. It tortured him in so many ways, but even more so in this moment.

He couldn't stop thinking and he couldn't find the answer he was so desperate for. A little voice in his head kept clawing at his mind telling him he had to do something but everything he thought of, seemed wrong.

He had trusted himself this morning and ignored the signs that could have protected her. Now, with his emotions running higher than he's ever felt, he doesn't trust himself. Every move and ever decisions feels wrong. He couldn't figure out what he needed to or even wanted to do.

He wanted her, revenge, her, revenge, her, revenge, her—

He couldn't take it anymore. Harry yelled until his lungs burned, so loud that the whole castle could have shook. His hands grasping and clawing at his hair, desperate to feel something other than the utter confusion and panic he had been feeling the last few hours.

Harry, blinded by too many emotions that he couldn't handle and moisture that clouded his vision, grabbed a vase close by and threw it against the wall with all his strength. The porcelain shattering into millions of pieces all around the room.

Similar to Harry, Galena has never been one to be at a loss for words. But unlike her long time friend, she hated the silence.

Silence to her meant that something was wrong or that something were about to happen. She's learned that through her many experiences in her life. Silence was always deadly.

Even in her room at night she plays music or hums to herself just to avoid the silence. She loved conversation and getting to know people. Unlike Harry, she believes knowing more about someone is more dangerous than having to sit in silence.

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