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A/N: This is part 2 of the double update. Please read the chapter before this if you haven't already!



Harry's POV


Over the last 24 hours, it has been nothing but quiet. The only sound that came to my comfort was the sound of my shoes against the marble floor and the heartbeats of the servants that walked by.

No one had even dared to speak to me since the moment word got around that something had happened to Amara. That ones that dared to unfortunately grace my presence, were practically thrown over the side of the banister that leads all the way down to the lobby of the castle.

Other than the few distractions, I've been practically glued to the couch in her room or pacing in front of the fireplace. I couldn't find it in me to go anywhere else, no matter how bad I wanted to. The only time I partially left her room was to, embarrassingly, check to see if each heart beat I heard was hers.

After the twentieth-something time, it was starting to get a bit pathetic. Hell, I am the stone cold and terrifying King yet I can't even keep my composure over something like this.

As the King, I have a reputation to uphold as well as ruling the lands. I shouldn't worry about some human girl that I am somehow linked too but I can't. It nearly makes me sick to even think about her being just some human girl to me. That thought alone infuriates me the most.

I've gone my whole life never being caught up on someone yet now the 'universe', as Galena likes to put it, decides that now is the time that I do? In a time where the Silver Gates are at the strongest they've ever been? In a time where the crown and our rule as the superior race is being threatened more than ever?

She's just another thing that I have to think about and worry about even though I don't want to.

I wish I could give her up. I wish I didn't care if she lived or died. I wish that I preferred her dead because it's one less human that stains my lands. And no matter how hard I try to convince myself that it would be easier that way, I seemingly can't let her go.

I get up from the couch, her blood sticking to the bottom of my shoes. I pace back and forth, staring at the food that is scattered all over the table and floor.

"Your majesty," Mattheo, my personally appointed head guard, called out by the open doors of her room.

"What," I snapped at him, he face unphased and uninterested as usual.

"The castle has been secured and interrogations of all the staff has begun."

I nod, "No signs of outside entry?"

"None, sir, the culprit is still in the building."

"Is there security posted at every possible entrance."

"Every entrance and window, sir."

"And the man?"

"The human man you met with today wasn't the one who did it and was ruled out of having any knowledge of this incident."

"Was there anything in the files he had?"

"Nothing on this, sir, we believe the culprit is-" he said before stopping mid sentence and furrowing his brows.

It didn't take long for me to hear what had caused him to stop speaking.

A pounding heartbeat, one that was terrified and nervous, was getting closer and closer to the room.

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