∆~into the darkness~∆

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A few days after the wedding bill and mason were now the rulers of to the kingdom. To mables displeasure.
"It's not fair! He can't just come up out of the blue and say he's king" mable said angry. "Mabel its the law he was married before you " ford said

"It doesn't matter! I was ment to be queen not him!"

Mabel thought for a sec and then came up with a plan and ran into the library
Leaving every one confounded.

(In the moon castle)

Mason and bill were getting ready for a nother day of terrorizing people
Mason got dressed in a long black lace jacket with a dark blue suit.
Bill was dressed in and back suit with
Yellow accents.

(Time skip...)

After some running some errands
Bill and mason were sitting at the table eating dinner after dinner they went to bed.

(I'm soooo lazy rn so I'ma end it here lol sorry for not updating there's been a lot going on soo I'll updated soon and hopefully make it longer)

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