☆ « P a r t - 5 » ☆

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I'm bored.


It's been months and months Petir and Daun had been exchanging journals. Duri never change into his 1st form yet. And yet Tanah was worried about Daun.
"Angin, have you seen Petir? I want to give him a favor." Tanah asked Angin, who was in the couch, playing video games. Angin replied that he didn't saw Petir in the morning. Tanah sighed and went to Petir's room. But at the moment he pulled the door. He wasn't there. Where could he be? Hm...


Petir knocked into Duri's front door. He holded his own journal until Duri opened the door. "Hello big brother! Journal exchange!" Petir forced a smiled and handed his little brother the journal. Duri holded the notebook and gave his pure, adorable face to his brother. Petir's cheeks were red. Was he blushing? The answer was 'Yes'. Petir sat on the bench waiting for the journal. Duri walked upstairs and find his journal. Before Duri founded his book Petir stared at the delicious flower shapped pudding. He can't stop staring at it. And he got caught. "Haa, big brother wanted that homemade pudding that Duri made? Free to try!" Petir was unexpected to see his brother behind him. Duri layed the journal in the stool before picking up the pudding and gave it to his brother. Duri smiled and hugged his brother. "Mm!" The lightning brother muttered as he took a second taste. He faced to his brother. "So~ How was it?" Duri questioned his brother as bright, emerald eyes meet the brown, chocolate eyes. Petir only hummed. Duri's question was very confusing for him. "I... It's v-very tasty... and c...cute j-just like you..." Petir's face was totally covered with blush. His eyes closed and his heart started to beat quickly. Duri looked at the pudding his brother didn't finish. Duri picked up the spoon and ate the taste of the deliciousness in the food. He placed the food back where it was before. Duri's head was suddenly in his brothers shoulder and his arms wrapped in his tsundere brother's waist. "Duri wanted to stay with you big brother. Nobody should have you except Duri..." Duri stated in his brother's ears. Petir didn't focus. He stayed frozen like a statue that has been abandoned years ago. Duri slept in his brother's shoulder. Petir shook his head and realized.... "D-Duri?!" Petir was shocked to see his little brother hugging him whilst sleeping peacefully. Petir was not mad. He's just confused. But it's kinda weird that he was feeling comfortable in this situation. (Such a long paragraph)

Petir kissed his brother's forehead and sighed as he wrapped his arms in his shoulder. Slightly smiling and blushing. He was lucky to have a brother like this. He never had been comfortable like this before.. He putted his hand in the Leaf elemental brother's dark, brown hair. Petir pulled himself away from his brother and grabs a remote. Turning on the TV and watching his favorite show. He can't focus on the show. He kept looking how adorable and peaceful the leaf elemental sleep. He keep blushing and blushing. His face was deep red. He tried to control his seriousness by covering his face with his cap. Did he really like his brother? Don't know. Two hours later, Petir finally calmed down. He was really tired. Loud yawns escaping from his mouth and his left arm was weak. Petir demanded Duri to wake up from his rest. Petir was ready to leave with his brother's journal. Before Petir holded the door handle. Duri tapped Petir's shoulder. "Hey buddy, anything you need?" Petir faced his head towards his beloved brother. Duri placed a lily in his brother's hair. Petir instantly rushed to his home with his other brothers before Duri said a word.


Petir finally went home. Angin pops up in front of him. Petir really nearly screamed. Angin told him that how is Duri is doing and Petir said that he's doing fine. Tanah called Petir's name and told Petir to deliver a plastic bag of ingredients for Tok Aba. Petir can't handle this. He deliver the bag quickly. He was very tired, he then got to his room and went to his room to read the journal. His handwriting was boring. But his brother's bubbly handwriting makes it more fun.


Huaaaah it's a lazy monday, without Cahaya, Duri's world seems so dark. Without Api or Angin, my world is filled with boredom. Without Air, my world is without peace. Without Tanah my world is without support. But luckly Kak Petir is still with me right? If Kak Petir is reading this, then hugs! I really like you Kak Petir! I wish you'll come back!

Duri learned how to make puddings today! Duri got outside and buy some ingredients for the food! Duri will make the tasty pudding that everyone ever taste! After Duri got home, Duri went to the kitchen. The stove was so dangerous that Duri himself need to be careful. Mama Tanah told Duri that it's too dangerous for Duri to use the stove but Duri's pinky finger hurted a bit! Don't worry, Duri is still fine. And when I finished it, it's so tasty and delicious looking! Duri wonder how Cahaya will react if he taste it? Will it calm down his aggressiveness? Duri doesn't know... Duri need to place it in the fridge and when Kak Petir came, Duru will give him some of this sweet dessert.

But that basket ball You forgot to take me that you played was so so amazing! Duri wonders how good it's going to be if  That person you go was happy and you enjoyed playing sports with me. I didn't get chosen, I want you to take me next time! Duri wonders how good will it be if You avoided me you will play hide and seek with Duri! ๑>ᴗ<๑



It was that cute little writing that Petir always sees. But why does it look different? He write a reply on it. It's like nearly afternoon, Maybe a little rest will be okay. I'm sure sleeping with a journal is okay.

♤ My Brother《Boboiboy AU》-Petir x ThornWhere stories live. Discover now