Knowing You

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“Jisoo, are you awake?”

Jisoo's eyes flutter open and she can feel the cold of the floor under her. She can feel the wires dig into her skin. She groans. Those are just a dream, huh? She’s still trapped in this tower.


And she’s not alone. Jisoo tilts her head upward and meets the eye of her company. At least this creature seems a little better than before, even though she still looks pale.

“Hey,” Jisoo croaks. Her mouth feels so dry and she’s hungry. When the last time she has something in her mouth, anyway?

“Hey,” the creature that looks like a girl says back and moves her body a little closer to Jisoo. The wires around her keeps her floating and it doesn’t matter how long Jisoo tries to look above, she never able to see where those wires connect.

Jisoo moves a little, trying to find more comfortable sitting position when she hears the girl says again, “The last time we talked you said I’m not human.”

And when is the last time? Right before Jisoo fell asleep if she remembers correctly, that means a few hours ago. “Yes. I think you’re an anahera,” Jisoo answers.

“Anahera? Sorry, I don’t remember anything. What is anahera?”

“It’s okay,” Jisoo breathes out. Even though she just wakes up she still feels so tired. “Anahera is a dead person who been given a second chance to live but from the story I heard, that’s not happen right away. It takes time and maybe that’s why you said you felt so weak.”

“Given chance to live again.” The girl mumbles before she asks with a louder voice, “By whom? Who’s the one that give me chance?”

“I don’t know. Maybe a higher being?” Jisoo shrugs. “But people said anahera wants to live again because he or she driven by a strong feeling.”

“A strong feeling?”

“Yeah, a strong feeling. Hate, love, hope.” Jisoo shrugs again. “A lot of things, really.”

“Anahera is a dead person who in a way to be alive again because he or she is driven by something,” the girl repeats and Jisoo nods. “I remember when I woke up I wanted to see someone, I felt like there’s someone waiting for me, but I don’t know who. I don’t remember anything. Then I saw you and on impulse I attacked you.”

Yeah, that’s what makes both of them stuck in this situation, isn’t it?

“So, am I alive right now?” she asks again.

“You’re alive, just not as human. Just give it some time and you will be human again.” Despite how sure it sounds, Jisoo actually not confidence with her answer. That doesn’t stop her to keep talking, “It takes step by step. You injured badly because of our fight. Maybe after your injuries heal, your memory will return and maybe after that other things will come back. In the end, tadaaa..... you will become human again. I’m not an expert at mythical creatures, really. So I’m sorry if there are a lot of things I can’t tell you.”

“That means right now I just need to wait until I become human again? Only that?”

Jisoo is silent for a long moment before she opens her mouth and says, “Maybe. I don’t know. I told you, I’m not an expert at mythical creatures.”

The girl just keeps looking at her before she asks, “But is it a little too…convenient?”

“I said I don’t know!” It comes harsher that she intents to. The girl flinches a little at that.

“Sorry,” the girl mutters guiltily. Jisoo just ignores her. She’s really tired and this question time jut makes it worse. There’s something more urgent for her to think about than an apology from some creature.

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