Let Me Be Everything For You

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“I know I will find you here.”

Lisa looks up at that voice and sees Soojoo pulls a chair and sits in front of her. She then looks behind the girl, expecting another girl, but when she doesn’t see anyone she turns to Soojoo and asks, “Where’s Somi?”

“At our room in the inn. She’s really tired, which is understandable.” Lisa nods. To find more information about the situation they have, three of them have decided to go to a remote village far in the west. According to Somi in that village live somebody who have some knowledge about the tower and maybe also about the anahera. But of course the way to that place is far and hard, not to mention dangerous.

A waiter comes to their table to ask about Soojoo’s order. The said girl just points to Lisa’s food and says, “I will have what she has.”

The waiter nods and when he already leaves Soojoo turns her attention to Lisa and says, “By the way, I don’t say thank you yet, don’t I?” Lisa gives the girl a glance at that. Soojoo points at her bandage arm and says again, “Thank you. If it weren't because of you those bandits would get more than my arm. Who knows that body of yours actually can fight well?”

“You also have right to get the credit,” Lisa says. “I was only able to help because you knew it was a trap. How did you know that man only faking helplessness and his friends hide behind the trees to ambush us?”

“It takes one to know one. Jisoo and I did that tactic a lot. By the way that waiter’s girlfriend is beautiful.” Lisa quickly looks up from her food after Soojoo said the last sentence and sees the thief looks the inside of a wallet. Don’t tell her that wallet is the waiter’s wallet? When this girl steals that?

“When he was here,” Soojoo answers her silent question without looking at her. She then lifts her head and winks at Lisa. “Old habit dies hard. I will give the wallet back don’t worry. Just not the money.”

Lisa fights back a smile that begins to come and decides to talk more, “So, you said you and your partner did something like that a lot? You two must be used to fight a lot.”

“We are, but Jisoo is better at running away. She always runs when situations begin to get worse and she runs fast.” Soojoo shrugs. “That girl can be quite a coward, really. But in this field of work that ability actually useful. Believe it or not, her cowardice actually saved our lives a few times.”

Lisa nods. She then turns her focus back at her food. “Your turn.” And that focus returns to Soojoo who says again, “I said a few things about my friend, it’s your turn now. Tell me something about your lover.”

Chaeyoung? What should she say about her? She doesn’t know (not because there’s nothing to say but because there’s too many, she doesn’t know where to start).

Lisa doesn’t realize she stops eating. She stares at nothingness for a moment before she begins to speak, “She’s…Chaeyoung.” Soojoo arches her eyebrow. “Chaeyoung is…Chaeyoung.” Soojoo’s eyebrow arches even higher. “She is…always smiling. Always trying to see the good side of people. And her heart is so kind, a type of person that never able to hurt even a fly.”

“You’re smiling. This is the first time I see you smile.” Those words surprise Lisa. She doesn’t even realize she’s smiling. 

“You’re lucky.” Soojoo says again. “A lot of person lose their love one but you actually have a second chance. Sure, three of us don’t know a lot about anahera but the legend says they fight dead, they want to live again, because of strong feeling and love is one of them.” Soojoo shrugs. “Who knows, maybe the reason she chooses to become anahera is because of her feelings for you. That’s why I think you should smile more often. You’re lucky.”

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