I Just Want To Love You

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This few months aren't exactly relaxing, especially after what happened to her unnie. And before Somi can recover from that, the whole kingdom has been sent to unease by a strange tower that came from nowhere near a village in the south. Somi hears the king already sent some expedition teams to investigate the mysterious tower but there's still no news about that.

"So, what's your name again?"

"My name is Somi." Somi answers the girl in front of her then turns to her right, where her other unnie sits. She contemplates to let her introduce herself but seeing how she just keeps silent, Somi decides to be the one that do it, "And this is Lalisa. And you're Soojoo-ssi, right?"

"Hong Soojoo, yeah." Soojoo nods and leans back to her wooden chair. "Are you two here because of that tower?" Somi is a little taken aback at that. How does this girl know? "A lot of people came to me to asked about that place," Soojoo explains more after seeing Somi confuses expression. "Really, but just because I accidentally there when that thing emerged doesn't mean I know everything about it."

Somi can't deny what this girl said. They're here to collect as much information about that tower as possible but that's also something else. "Actually we want to ask something else too."

Soojoo raises her eyebrow and sits straighter at her chair. It seems that gets her attention. Somi glances for a second to Lisa (but the girl just keeps a blank expression on her face and doesn't say anything) and takes out a photo from her pocket. She gives the photo to Soojoo, one that she accepts.

"The girl with blonde hair," Somi begins to talk, "Have you seen her before?"

Soojoo stares at the photo for a while before recognition begins to dawn on her face. She blinks. One time, two times, and then she opens her mouth and says, "I only saw her for a few minutes, but yeah, this girl looks exactly like the girl my partner and I met when the tower... when she...."

The sound of a chair been pushed suddenly surprised both of them. Lisa stands up from her chair and pats Somi's shoulder. "Somi, I want to go out for a while. Are you fine if I leave this to you?"

Somi nods at that and Lisa gives her a small smile, but that smile doesn't reach her eyes (and Somi wonders when she can see the happy smile again). With that Lisa makes her way out, leaving Somi and Soojoo in the tavern.

Somi sighs and with her eyes still glued to her unnie's back (even though she can't see the girl anymore) she says, "Chaeyoung Park, that's the name of the blonde girl." She then turns her focus to Soojoo. She's not sure how to say the next thing. It still hurt even though it's already been months but she needs to explain, so she does, "And she was dead six months ago."

She can see the surprise at Soojoo's face but before the latter able to say anything, Somi says again, "Say, Soojoo-ssi, have you ever heard about anahera?"


Somi nods. "This is maybe a little too much to ask, Soojoo-ssi. But can you please tell me everything that happened?" Soojoo furrows her eyebrows. Somi rubs both of her hands under the table. There's a chance this girl won't like what she says next. "I'm sorry about this but actually I did some research about you. I know what you and your partner did." Soojoo blinks at that. Afraid she's offending the girl, Somi quickly adds, "Before you jump into conclusion I want to tell you that we have nothing to do with the soldiers or the king. We're not in position who can do anything to you."

Soojoo just stares at her. She then puts her elbow on the table, rests her head on her hand, and says calmly, "You said you know what my partner and I did. What are we?"

Somi a little surprise with the calm response but she still answers, "You're thieves."

"And what thieves do?"

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