My Simple Wish

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Lisa holds on for dear life.

“Lisa! Give me your other hand!” Soojoo’s yell from above rings loudly in her ears. Lisa quickly moves her other hand to join its friend at Soojoo’s arm, gripping at it tightly. Soojoo immediately grabs both Lisa’s hands with her other arm and begins to pull the other girl out.

Lisa glances to nothingness below her and swallows hard. It’s all dark and since when this small hole she fell in become this big? Lisa is just about to try to push herself up when she suddenly hears a voice from below. She looks down and her eyes widen at the sight.

“Soojoo, hurry! Hurry!! Pull me up!!”

Soojoo startles a little at the sudden yell but she quickly complies after she realizes what’s happening. Accompanied by loud sound, the ground begins to close up with frightening speed.

Frantic push and pull happen after that. Lisa just barely out from that hole when its sides slam into each other tightly. Silent follows minutes after that until it breaks by Soojoo’s shock laugh.

“So that’s how those people end up like that.”

Lisa doesn’t answer, too busy catching her breath, even though she agree of what the other girl just said. But maybe they’re still lucky. They come when this tower’s power already depletes. Maybe those people didn’t even have time to react when they fell into that trap.

Still with heavy breath, Lisa stands up, offers Soojoo her hand (one that she accepts), and turns to the tower’s direction. She blinks. And blinks again.

She can see a silhouette. A tower’s silhouette. Something she unable to see just a few minutes ago.

Lisa turns her head to her companion, wordlessly ask Soojoo how that’s happen. Soojoo gazes back at her for a moment before her eyes move to the fog around them. The fog? The fog!

Lisa whips her head to the fog around them. It becomes thinner and thinner! But how this happen? And why?

“The stronger anahera becomes, the weaker the defense of the tower will be.”

Seulgi’s voice echoes in her mind. She whips back her head to Soojoo and judging from how the thief looks at her, she’s not the only one that remember those words.

“When all of the tower’s defenses disappear that means the anahera is already knocking at the door of living while the host is right in front of the door of death and that’s your time to decide.”

Soojoo widens her eyes, realization begins to come to her.

“Let the anahera kills the host to return to the world of living or save the host and the anahera will die again.”

“Jisoo,” Soojoo breathes out.

Like a woman possessed by demons, Soojoo quickly dashes off, leaving Lisa behind and ignoring the yells that come from the other girl.


Jisoo has difficulty to keep her eyes open and what this girl does doesn’t make the situation better. 

After they break apart Chaeyoung’s lips latches on Jisoo’s face, pestering it with kisses. After that the former pulls the brunette’s head to her chest, cradling and swallowing her with warmth, while plants a soft kiss to the crown of her head.

With a heavy breath, Jisoo finally decides to surrender herself to the warmth.

“You once said love is a feeling you feel when you like somebody very much and you don’t want to be separated from them.” Chaeyoung’s absentmindedly says from above her makes Jisoo glances to the girl. The latter doesn’t look at her, she keeps her head and eyes to the ceiling. “When they beside you, your heart beats so hard sometimes it hurts but you don’t want them to leave your side either. You want to stay with them as long as you can.”

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