|10| - His Story

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I was weary as I followed Sammy through the streets, especially when he stopped in front of a door in an ally. He smiled reassuringly at me before he let go of my hand and unlocked the door. 

"Benny? Are you awake?" Sammy asked loudly as we entered the room.

A match struck against a matchbox, lighting the room as they lit a lantern. 

"Yeah, I'm awake. Who's this?" A little boy asked.

I held back a gasp as he turned towards me, a large scar lined down his face, over his left eye. 

"Benny, this is Lucy. Lucy this is my little brother Benny." Sammy says as he motions to Benny.

Benny smiles up at me as he takes a step towards me, his hand outstretched. I smiled down at him, shaking his hand.

"It's nice to meet you, he was talking about you all day yesterday when he came home." Benny snickered.


I chuckled casting Sammy a glance, before turning back to the boy. "Really, that's interesting."

"Benny, can you go a read one of your books, please. Lucy and I need to talk." Sammy says.

Benny snickered again, a blush rising up my neck. "Sure you do."

Sammy shook his head as Benny walked away. "Sorry about him, he likes to joke around. I'm not- We."

"It's alright." I smile at him, nodding. "I know. But we do need to talk."

Sammy looked at me, nodding before he motioned to the chairs against the wall. "Let's sit down."

I never felt more awkward than I do now. We both sat down, a chair in between both of us. Our hands placed in our laps as we looked at each other. Yet we didn't know where to begin. I burst out laughing at the painfully awkward silence that had ensued, and so did he.


"So, you don't live in there, behind the walls," Lucy said after they had stopped laughing.

Sammy shook his head. "No, but neither do you. And there is no woman WICKED guards so you aren't really a WICKED guard."

Lucy pursed her lips staring, studying him. He knew some amount of the truth, but could she trust him enough to tell him?

Sammy sighed, turning away to look at the ground. "You don't have to tell me your story. I mean, I didn't want to join them. But need the money, for me and Benny. WICKED hasn't done anything for me, but I need the job so I can protect Benny." 

Lucy glanced at the door where Benny had disappeared behind. 

"I'm sure you're wondering about his face." Sammy paused, glancing at her with sadness in his eyes. 

"You don't need to tell me, Sammy-"

"No, No. You need to know." Sammy exhaled loudly as he looked back at the floor. "When we were still running from wild Cranks in the scorch before we found this place. We were attacked at night, and Benny was scratched by a crank."

Lucy's eyes widened. 

"Yeah, that scar is the mark the crank left on my little brother. But, someone had helped us, I don't know their name. But they cleaned up Benny's wound, saved his eye, and left the next day leaving behind supplies for me to help Benny." Sammy started, glancing back at her. "But he never got the flare, he's immune."

Lucy's eyes widened, understanding slightly why Sammy was with WICKED. 

"WICKED would want him if they found out about him." 

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