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The first few weeks at Hogwarts had gone as expected. James and Sirius played pranks on the first years, Remus had pestered them to do their homework, and Peter tagged along for the ride. Regulus spent most of his time in the library working on his potions homework. Professor Slughorn had moved Regulus into the sixth year potion class, which Regulus greatly appreciated, except for the fact that this meant he was stuck with his brother and his friends. Usually, Regulus was able to keep his head down and pretend they didn't exist, but Slughorn insisted that he assign partners for the next project. 

"Sirius Black and Lily Evans, Regulus Black and James Potter...." Slughorn called out the pairs. The groups were to make an advanced potion of their choosing. Each group got up and found their partners and began discussing the options for their potion. 

"Hey Reggie." James called. Regulus hated being called Reggie and he hated James.

"Don't call me that. Lets just get this over with and then we can both be on our way. I know what your grades are like in this class and I don't need you ruining my perfect grade. I'll do the project and you can bugger off with my brother." 

"You really think that low of me? I want to help. I may not be good at potions but I try! It's not like I want an acceptable in this class..." James trailed off. He looked genuinely hurt. Regulus was surprised by this. James Potter caring about school? What kind of alternate universe had he been transported to?! Regulus brushed this off and continued discussing the assignment.

"If you truly want to help, lets meet up in the library Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:00. Do not be late Potter." And with that, class had ended and the two boys had gone their separate ways.

James was surprised by the younger Black's attitude. He was nothing like Sirius had described. Sirius always spoke of him as this charming, intelligent, happy boy. What happened after Sirius left? James wondered. 

Regulus dreaded Tuesday night, but it had arrived and there was no escaping this. He just hoped James would be tolerable for the next few hours. Regulus had to admit, the boy was never unkind to him, he was just far too loud for Regulus. Once James arrived, they settled in the far corner of the library near the restricted section and pulled out their potions books. 

"I think we should do the project on amortentia. We could make the potion and then write up a report on how it smells to each of us and the process of making it?" James suggested. Regulus had liked the idea and was surprised by how much thought James had put into the assignment.

As they began to work on the assignment, Regulus kept stealing glances at James. The boys hair was messy, extremely so. He noticed how James always pushed up his glasses even when they weren't falling down his nose. His tie was pulled loose and his shirts top button was undone and the collar was wonky. His disheveled appearance was endearing to Regulus. As much as he disliked the boy, he had to admit, he was rather attractive. 

"Like what you see Reggie?" James asked in a joking tone as he wiggled his eyebrows. Regulus flushed. He hated how arrogant James could be.

"Oh shove off Potter. I was simply thinking about how if you put any effort into your appearance maybe you wouldn't look like you had just been attacked by a Cornish pixie." Regulus replied with a devilish grin. James rolled his eyes and returned to reading his potions textbook. 

"James Potter, in the library? Now this is a sight I thought I would never see." A certain red head had appeared at their table and began speaking to James. James had a lovesick look on his face. 'Seriously?' thought Regulus. While Evans had done nothing wrong, he was extremely annoyed that she had interrupted their work on the assignment and James was never more annoying than when he was attempting to woo Lily. Regulus attempted to block out the giggles and the chatter but eventually became too fed up with the two of them. He slammed his book shut and quickly packed up his things. 

"What's wrong Reggie? We still have more work to do." James was confused. After all, Regulus was the one who insisted they work on their project tonight. 

"Don't call me that." Regulus called as he stormed out of the library. 'He is most definitely a Black, just as dramatic as his brother.' James thought. 

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