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As the days past, James and Regulus worked on their potions project and they spent their evenings in the astronomy tower together. James wasn't as terrible as Regulus thought. He was kind, witty, and always made sure Regulus was doing alright. James had yet to tell the Marauders that he was now friends with Regulus and this had led them to believing that he was sneaking off to see Lily. James and Lily had been growing closer. She started to hangout with the boys in the common room more often and sat with them at dinner. A few nights over the past week, Lily and James went to the library. This bothered Regulus. While James was off flirting with Evans, he was left finishing their potions essay alone in the astronomy tower. As much as he wanted to deny it, he had come to enjoy James's company. 

"Hey Reggie. Sorry I'm late, Lily wanted to talk." James stated excitedly and a blush grew on his face. Everyone knew he had be chasing after Lily for years. Regulus looked up at him, attempting to hide his frustration. 

"It's fine." Regulus replied. Regulus tried to ignore the jealously growing in his stomach. James isn't even his friend... he's just his potions partner. He has no right to feel this way.,

Over the weeks, Regulus had grown withdrawn. He had received a letter from his parents. A letter he had been dreading since the start of the year. He was to take the dark mark in two months time. Come Christmas holidays Regulus Black would be an official death eater. Regulus didn't believe in all the pureblood nonsense but this was expected of him, he had to do it. He stopped going up to the astronomy tower at night to speak to James and only spoke to him when they worked on their potions assignment. Regulus hated James. Well, that's what he tried to tell himself but he knew he missed speaking to the Gryffindor. He missed the stupid nicknames and the poorly executed pranks.... but this was for the best. James would continue his life as the golden boy, and Regulus would do exactly what he was expected to do. 

James didn't quite understand why Regulus had begun the pull away. He felt like he was finally had gotten through to him. Maybe he didn't? He couldn't ignore him forever, they had a potion to brew and an essay to write. He would have to talk to him then. Regulus had surprised James. He was everything Sirius had described him as and more. He had hoped they could be friends, but Regulus had shut that down. 

James and Regulus sat in awkward silence. They had agreed that they would brew the amortentia today on their free period but Regulus seemed less than pleased to be there. They had gathered the ingredients and began to work silently. Regulus seemed to have no problems with the silent tension but James could not take it. 

"Are you mad at me or something? Did I do something?" James asked. His voice was uneasy.


"Something is obviously wrong. What is wrong Reggie?" James continued to push. He was hurt. He kept pushing him away when he had been nothing but kind.

"Nothing is wrong, Potter. It's time you understand that we are not friends. You are a blood traitor and you are a disgrace to the Sacred 28." Regulus replied coldly with tears in his eyes. He didn't mean it of course, but he could never be friends with James. 

James let out a short laugh thinking Regulus was attempting to make some terrible joke but he soon realized this was not the case. His expression grew to one of hurt and confusion. 

"Reg-" His eyebrows raised in concern. He couldn't find the words. They hadn't spent much time together but he knew wasn't Regulus. 

Confused, James stormed out, leaving Regulus to finish the potion and returned to the Gryffindor common room.

"Pads, I'm telling you, something is wrong with Reggie. He was spewing some pureblood bullshit. He called me a blood traitor."

"Really? That doesn't sound like him but who knows? Maybe my parents preaching blood supremacy finally got to him. I haven't spoken to him since the train." Sirius explained. James wouldn't accept that. "James, you don't understand what it's like in that house. Nothing we did was ever good enough for them. The constant talk of... you-know-who... holy shit, Prongs." Sirius gripped his hair and his eyes grew wide. "Fuck, he's gonna do it."

"Do what? What are you talking about? Padfoot?" James questioned.

"He's gonna become a death eater."

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