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The crisp winter air bit at Regulus's nose. He needed time by himself to think. He leaned against a large oak tree facing the Black Lake. Christmas holidays were only a week away. Dread filled his stomach. He knew this was his future. He's known it since he was six years old. He just didn't want to accept it. Tears welled in his eyes. At first, it didn't seem so bad but now? Now it seemed like a death sentence. It wasn't pretend anymore. It was far too real. He was to become a death eater by the end of the month.

The days moved far too fast for Regulus's liking, each day a battle. The bags under eye grew after many sleepless nights and his appetite had become non existent. The once beautiful boy was now a shell of his previous self, and people began to notice, not that he minded, he had far more important things to worry about.

Sirius and James busied themselves attempting to formulate a plan to somehow save Regulus, but their attempts grew futile.

"Do you really think he will grow through with it?" James scrunched his eyebrows together in concern. The two boys walked towards the Black Lake. Sirius shrugged. Him and his brother had grown apart over the past few months, Regulus felt like a stranger.

"I don't know Prongs. He's looking worse eachday. It's like he's given up." Sirius stopped and looked at James. "I don't know who that is anymore James. I have no idea what he will do."

James and Regulus were far from friends, but he knows Regulus. He knows how he is smart, hardworking, and not nearly as tough as he leads everyone else to believe. But he also knew he was afraid of his parents and afraid of dissapointing them. Sirius was like that. While Sirius like to push his parents buttons,  he also longed for their acceptance, something he now understood he would never get.

As the boys continued walking, they noticed a slim disheveled figure leaning against a tree. Freezing for a moment James took a closer look. It was Regulus. His hair was strewn across his face, tear track stained his cheeks. His shirt was wrinkled and his tie was loosened. James had never seen him like this. He hair was usually perfect, his clothes pristine. He looked tired. Sirius gave James a warning look and stepped forward.

"You're going to do it, aren't you Reg." Sirius said carefully. Regulus looked up at the pair with despair in eyes, almost like a call for help.

"What other choice do I have?" Regulus whispered out.

"Us, Reggie! You have us." James pleaded with him. "We can help you. You can stay with my family over holidays. You know that once you take the mark, there is no going back."

Regulus wanted to run away. He wanted to go with James and Sirius but he couldn't. He felt like a coward. His parents didn't deserve his loyalty. They didn't deserve his trust, but here he was, ready to sign his life away to do his parents proud. The thought made him sick. James hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"I care about you Reg, I know that you have no reason the trust me, but I promise you, I will do everything in my power to earn your trust." James looked as of he were about to cry. Regulus looked to his brother then back to James.


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