Getting Kanan Out

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It was finally time to go rescue him. Sabine had carried Crystal back to their bedroom after her and Zeb had taken a few pictures of Ezra and Crystal snuggled up against each other. Kanan was going to like that, when they rescued him.

Hera was ghosting through the blockade when Crystal awoke. She stumbled into the cockpit sleepily, hair a mess. "What's up?" Hera finally asked the girl as she observed her tired state.

Crystal yawned, tangling her hands in her hair. "Is today the day?"

"Yes. Go wake Ezra up will you?" Hera asked, hiding a smile.

Crystal smiled, knowing that the rebels had figured out Ezra's reluctance to get up when he isn't ready. She grabbed her light saber and entered the room where Ezra was still sleeping. "Wake up, Ezra," Crystal yelled, igniting her light saber. Ezra didn't move an millimeter. Crystal grinned, oh, how she missed this. She tore the blankets off him and shook his whole body. When that didn't work, she put her light saber right before his chest and growled in a deep voice, "You either get up, or they all die."

Ezra abruptly sat up, forcing the top of Crystal's light saber away from his chest. His eyes were wide, startled out of sleep by fear. For years, Crystal had tormented him with that voice, and he was still terrified when she did that voice. Ezra never did understand why she made him afraid of that voice.

"Time to get up," Crystal said, her voice back to normal, "Today's the big day. Do or die."

"Don't," Ezra moaned, slipping off the bed.

Crystal turned off her light saber, clipping it back to her belt. "We're almost there. If you look out the window, you can see the planet. Or you can lay here and we can save Kanan without you. See you soon."

"I'm coming," Ezra said, jumping out of the bedroom, trying not to knock anybody to the floor. "No way that you're leaving me behind!"

Crystal raced to the cockpit to look at Trapear beneath them. The planet itself was plain and brown, with no large bodies of water visible. What seemed to be small gray rivers snaked between the brown splotches like roads. They probably were, but Crystal was excited to save Kanan. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, the image of the planet beneath her burned into her brain. She was ready.

"It's time," Ezra murmured, grabbing her shoulder lightly.

Crystal nodded, and padded to the Phantom, Ezra following behind. Zeb and Sabine were already inside. She sat herself down in one of the seats, trying not to think about the mission. Her mind had to be clear otherwise distractions would stop her from saving Kanan. They detached from the Ghost with a jolt, and they were off. Crystal took another deep breath, trying to tame the flaming butterfly's in her stomach. Her fingers clenched the seat beneath her until her knuckles turned white.

Everybody was twitching as the anticipation for the mission built. Sabine was checking all the bombs she made the night before and her paint while Zeb cracked his knuckles repeatedly. Ezra was driving the Phantom, pale and breathing shallowly. Crystal repeatedly took out her hair, finger combed it, and put it back up. She had checked to make sure that her and Ezra both had their light sabers and they were both functioning properly.

Once Ezra had landed the Phantom on the ground of Trapear though, everybody was still. Ezra stood up, smiled at everybody and said, "Good luck. Stick to the plan, and improvise if it goes wrong. Force be with you all."

Crystal stood up, taking another deep breath. She was ready. "Let's go," she said, and bounded out of the Phantom, Ezra right behind her.

Planet Trapear had very dry air, Crystal noticed. Her throat was already dry, her mouth already craving a tall glass of water. She couldn't go back though, the only option was to power through. The building before them had a large 59 on it. Crystal and Ezra scaled the building in front of them, slipping through the ventilation shaft nearby a barred window. Ezra had wanted to cut through the bars, but Crystal stopped him. "We don't want anybody to know that we're here. Do you want to get us all killed?"

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