The Mission

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~Sorry that this chapter took so long. Exams are done!!! I finished up this chapter last night, but I got home at 11:00 at night, and I still had to take a shower. That basketball game was fun though. Alright, what you may have been anticipating for the past few days, here it is! the Mission. Enjoy!!!~

"I know just where we need to go," Kanan said, tapping Hera's shoulder.

"What are we going to do?" Crystal asked, trying to stand still. Ezra was right beside her, standing perfectly still. She guessed that the episode where he lost control was still racing through him mind, and he seemed to be thinking about how determined that it wasn't going to happen again.

Hera landed the Ghost on a different planet. She smiled as everybody stepped off. Chopper was at Hera's side while Sabine trailed behind.

Bia was the first one out. When she saw the sky, she laughed, and took off running. When she came back, a huge smile made her hard face glow. "I'm home!" She said happily, running around the confused rebels, "I'm back home."

"Where are we?" Ezra asked, leaning towards Kanan.

"Kashyyyk," Kanan replied, "The planet of the wookiees."

Bia suddenly turned towards Kanan with a ferocity that made him nervous. "Why are we here? You're not bringing me back, are you?"

Kanan stepped back, raising his hands in defense, "No. This is an actual mission. We know that the Empire knows about this ceremony that's about to commence, and we are being paid to stop the Empire crashing the party."

Bia's eyes narrowed, "What type of ceremony?"

Kanan's eyes glimmered deviously. "You'll see." Kanan confidentially led the whole crew towards the mountain close by.

"We have to walk?" Ezra moaned, dragging his feet.

"Oh no," Crystal said sarcastically, "Not the walking. As soon as I start walking, my feet start to hurt, and when my feet hurt, that's when I DIE," she grabbed Ezra's arms in mock pain, "Save me from the dreaded walking!"

Bia stepped confidently forward, "We're going to the main cave, right? I know just where Queen Rumbar likes to host her parties. When are the Troopers coming? I need to bash some heads in."

"I know what you mean," Zeb growled.

"Found them," Hera said, patting Chopper's head, "The Imperials are right above us. Look like you are ambassadors for the party. Bia, lead the way."

Bia sighed, arranging her hair around to hide her face. She strode confidently towards the cave carved into the side of the mountain. Once they were inside, Everybody gasped. The cave ceiling was very high in the air, it was hard to distinguish the lights hanging from it.

Crystal looked around, trying to see the other wall, but so many other people, mainly wookiees were standing around. She couldn't see the other wall, the cave was so wide. Bia led them through the throngs of the crowns toward the other end. Crystal could feel Kanan observing every single face, trying to pick out an enemy.

As the Rebels walked as one down to Queen Rumbar, the wookiees started to howl. "Quick," Bia said with the hint of a smile, "It's starting. We have to be close to her, right?" Kanan nodded. "Let's go," Bia said, shoving her way through the wookiees.

Finally, they could see her. Queen Rumbar was definitely a powerful figurehead. She was dangerously beautiful for a wookiee, but Bia stopped in her place. Her fingers brushed against the knives strapped to her chest. "She looks so young," Bia muttered to herself. A wookiee stopped the rebels.

"We have to stop," Sabine translated. She stopped, listening to the wookiee roar at her calmly, "We have to leave all of our weapons in the box here before we enter." She nodded to the wookiee guarding this gate, putting her blaster into the box. Sabine then walked through the gate.

Crystal went next. She walked through without putting anything in the box. The wookiee glared at her as she walked through. The gate did nothing, and Crystal passed through.

Ezra was right behind her, setting his new light saber gingerly into the box. He passed through, where it beeped. The wookiee glared at him. "Whoops," Ezra said, smiling, "Forgot the the sling shot." He slipped the sling shot from his wrist, dropping it into the box.

Zeb frowned, putting his beloved Bo-rifle into the box. "They won't be taken forever, right?" He asked the wookiee.

The wookiee roared in response, which Sabine translated as a definite yes.

Kanan followed, putting the pieces of his light saber and blaster grudgingly into the box. Hera was right behind, putting her two blasters into the box.

Once Chopper was through, all who was left was Bia. She sighed, taking off the belt full of her precious knives, the knife strapped to her thigh, and the four inch dagger out of her hand, dropping it into the box. She walked through, but the gate beeped, and she stepped back. She pulled four knives out of her left boot, and dropped it into the box. Stepping through the gate beeped again. Bia angrily stepped back, glaring at the wookiee who was also glaring at her. She pulled four more knives out of her right boot. She stepped through, and the gate beeped.

The wookiee growled at her threateningly.

"I get it," Bia muttered, pulling four knives out from beneath her shirt. The wookiee growled at her again. "I think that this might be all," she replied. Bia stepped through the gate once again. It beeped. The wookiee advanced, pulling her back to the front of the gate. Bia patted herself down. She smiled sheepishly as she reached down her wookiee fur skirt, pulling out four more of her knives. She stepped through the gate. It beeped again.

"Seriously Bia?" Kanan said, "You don't remember where you keep all of them? And how do you carry so many on your person?"

The wookiee forced her back. Bia frowned, patting herself down. Suddenly, her hand grazed against her hair. She felt through her black and blonde hair, grabbing something. "Do I have to?" She said to the wookiee, "You should know that it usually takes about three hours to keep it up here. Cut me some slack man, I don't want to do it again. It's so complicated."

The wookiee shook his head, glancing at the box.

Bia sighed, pulling the last knife from her hair, tossing it into the box. Her hair suddenly swished into a normal looking hair do, wild and movable. Bia stared at the wookiee while she stepped through the gate. It did not make a peep. The wookiee roared after her, glaring. Bia laughed, "Make sure you do!" She called out. Then under her breath she said, "And when you find out who I am, you better be on your knees for making me depart from my precious darlings." Bia left the gate, following her new friends, curious on how Queen Rumbar was going to react when she saw her.

The Rebels approached the Queen. Bia stopped in her tracks. "Something's wrong," Bia whispered to Crystal.

"What's wrong?" Crystal replied, equally quiet.

"She looks different," Bia said, "Younger. Much younger."

A roar resounded through the cave, putting the noise to a stop. Bia sagged against Crystal's shoulder. "What the hell is going on?" Bia asked.

"What do you mean?" Crystal asked.

"That roar," Bia started, "That roar was Chewbabca's. But he died." Bia turned fully to Crystal, "It can possibly be him." Suddenly, they could see him. "Dad," Bia moaned, falling to the floor of the cave.

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