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As Kanan recovered from the burn in his leg, Crystal slowly readied herself to leave. She never told anybody of her plans, but she was positive that the force was telling her that it was time to go. In her hand rested the other holocron that she had grabbed from her old house. She knocked on Ezra's door.

The door opened with a swish. Ezra stood there, a small smile on his face. "What's up, Crystal?"

She shoved him inside, letting the door shut behind her. "I need you to do something for me," she said, gesturing to the holocron.

"What is it?" He asked, sitting down on Zeb's bed, "Is that the other holocron that you took from your basement? What's in it?"

"Yes," Crystal said, still standing, "It's the other holocron, and it's empty. Not for long, though. I want you to put in a message."

Ezra looked at her, "A message about what?"

She shrugged. "A message of hope, your life story, what it's like being a rebel. Something that'll convert people to our cause."

"What are you going to do with it? Nobody that isn't force-sensitive will be able to open it."

"I'm going to open it."

Ezra stood up quickly, worried eat he'd across his face, "No. You're leaving?"

"I have to," she said, shrugging, "Meet me outside in half an hour. That'll give you time to prepare what you're going to say." She then left him standing there in shock. There. Her decision was out, so that meant that she would have to do it. Crystal took a deep breath. Now to ask Hera.

Crystal sat in the seat next to Hera in the cockpit. "Where are we going?"

Hera smiled at her. "We're just stopping at Lothal for a bit. Refuel, do a job, the usual. What do you need?"

"I want everybody to give me message to pass to everybody else. Do you think that you could gather them so that I can record their messages?" Crystal thumbed the holocron in her hands.

Hera nodded. "Sure can. When are you planning to start?"

"In an hour, or when we land," Crystal said, standing up. "Thank you Hera."


Once the Ghost landed on Lothal, Crystal sat on the ground, her legs crossed, and eyes closed. She was meditating. Ezra stood behind her, curious as to if he should interrupt her. Crystal knew that he was there behind her, and she was curious as to when he was going to man up and make a decision.

A minute later though, she got impatient and said softly, "Is there something that you would like to say?"

Ezra jumped back. "You knew, and you let me stand here awkwardly."

She laughed. "Are you ready with your message?"


Crystal opened the holocron. A blank screen with a recording symbol was before them. She pointed it at Ezra, saying, "Press the recording symbol when you're ready. You'll have 15 seconds to prepare yourself. Then just say your message."

Ezra nodded, and sat himself on the ground, and pressed the button. After 15 seconds had passed, he began to speak. "I'm Ezra, and I'm a rebel. The Empire took my parents away from me when I was seven. They left me on the streets for another seven years. I would still be on the streets if I didn't meet these amazing people who accept me for who I am. These rebels are my new family, and I would die for them. I would die for you too. I don't who who's going to hear this, but we're not just fighting for ourselves. We're fighting for all of you. I'm not that old, but I've seen what the power of hope has in people whose hope is lost. I remember what it was like when the Empire wasn't ruling, and I'm fighting for that too. If we all stick together, we can make this world a better place, for everyone. My parents were rebels in their own way, and I'm a rebel in my own way. Inside, everybody is a rebel for something. We all have something to fight for, and I'm fighting for all of you." Ezra nodded, giving the holocron a small smile, turning the recording off.

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