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~Wow! Over 1000 reads!!!! This is absolutely incredible! I love replying to your guys comments, and if you have any questions at all, feel free to ask them, and I will respond with the best answer that I can think up. I have to admit, you guys are absolutely Amazing. Sorry that I updated late, but at least I updated, right? Haha. Enjoy this chapter. Some special requests might show up at some point soon. Hehehehehe.~

When Ezra and Kanan came back, Crystal was sound asleep. That was, until Ezra crashed around the Ghost, his arms full of parts.

Crystal jerked awake. "What's going on?" She asked. Nobody was in the room to answer. She stood up, and stepped out of her and Sabine's room. Ezra pushed by her, stepping into his own room right across the hall. "You're back," she whispered. She shrugged, and headed to the rec room to see if anybody else knew what was going on.

Kanan was lounging on the bench right next to Hera. He sat up when he heard Crystal come in. "Good you're here."

Crystal stopped. "You were waiting for me I'm guessing."

"I guess I am," Kanan replied.

"What's going on?" Crystal asked.

"Ezra is building his light saber," Kanan replied.

Crystal smiled. "Good for him. So the mission was a success then?"

Kanan nodded.

Crystal sat on the floor. "Do you know what happened?"

Kanan smiled, sitting up. "He passed. I was hoping that he was going to, but he really did pass. I'm not positive of what exactly happened. But he passed."

Crystal grinned up at him. "Good for Ezra. What are we going to do while he builds it?"

Hera stretched, "First of all, we're going to be fixing up the Ghost so if we have to make a quick getaway, it'll be possible. Make sure that it gets done." Everybody nodded in return. An explosion sounded from Ezra's room.

"I'm guessing that I'll not be sleeping there tonight," Zeb growled.

"Somebody can sleep in my room, and then you can sleep in the empty room," Kanan said.

"Or," Crystal said, "Zeb can sleep in your room with you and Hera can stay away from your room for a few nights."

Hera turned bright red. "What makes you say, or even think that?"

Crystal smiled. "You gave me the idea actually."

Hera let her head fall on the table. Chopper tapped her leg in apology. Kanan could barely contain his laughter. He was shaking, gripping the edge of the bench to hold it in. His knuckles were white and his face red. Zeb was on the floor, laughing while Sabine just sat there, eyes wide and her face bright red.

"I think that Zeb will be bunking with you Kanan," Crystal said brightly, ignoring everybody's reactions, "It just makes the most sense. Unless you want to argue Kanan or Hera?" When the two didn't speak up, Crystal continued. "I believes that settles it. Zeb, you'll be bunking with Kanan until Ezra has finished building his light saber. Now, Hera wants the Ghost fixed. Sabine, how close are we to finishing it?"

Sabine sat up, her red face slowly turning back to normal. "We're really close to being able to be airborne without breaking apart, but it'll be much faster if everybody helps."

"When did you suddenly become the leader?" Zeb asked Crystal.

"I'm not the leader," Crystal replied, "I'm just asking questions that should have been asked earlier, and it seems like our leader is a little incapable of asking them himself." All eyes turned to Kanan, who was still shaking with laughter. "Please pull yourself together and lead this group. I have absolutely no intention of taking your place."

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