Prologue: The Cold, Hard Truth

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Dear Beloved Reader,

We live in quite a sad world, don't you think? A world where being smart is considered a curse and being stupid is celebrated. People choose to appear as mouth-breathing cretin rather than live to their full potential. We swallow pills, snort crack, smoke, destroy our bodies all for the sake of a short high. In this world no one cares for anyone or anything. We will do anything for fame. It doesn't matter how many people we step on so long as we get to the top. We don't care about whether we get to live in fame or notoriety just so long as we make it big, and once we do we forget about the little people that got us there. Little people like you and me don't really matter. We're all just means to an end. Of course, none of us really deserve to matter. In fact, most of the people that do matter don't deserve to either.

All of us are no more than rats in a maze, racing around like idiots to get the metaphorical cheese before our pitiful lives come to an end. There's really no purpose to what we do. We are simply specks of dust in this vast expanse of the universe, a universe comprised of even more meaningless things. Anyone who believes otherwise is truly idiotic.

Now, I'm not about to preach to you about how different I am from what I have just described. I am just as much of a mouth-breathing cretin as the rest of the brain dead masses; don't you worry. The only difference is that I, along with a small percentage of the world's population, am aware of this fact and have come to accept it. If you are not aware of this and/or have not accepted it then perhaps I can come to aid you in this endeavor. I think perhaps it might be better for your mental state to keep you blissfully ignorant, but I know that I prefer the cold, hard truth over some beautiful lie. Maybe you do too.

I will warn you now, however, that the truth is an optimism-shattering, spirit-breaking realization. Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentleman, because it's going to be a wild ride.

Yours Truly,

Kellin Quinn

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