Chapter 2: First Day on the Job

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Picture of Devin above

Alex POV

Tastes like strawberries, on a summer evenin'

I reach over and groan as I turn off my alarm. I desperately would like to go back to sleep, but know that I have too much to do before I need to head to work.

A quick shower later, I find myself sitting at my desk with an old piece of parchment, a pen, and an envelope in hand. When important events happen in the life of myself or the twins, I always come back to this spot and write a letter to my Mom. I wrote her a letter when the twins lost their first tooth, when I won my first spelling bee, and when I was named valedictorian of my class just recently. I feel like today deserves another letter.

Dear Mom,

It's me again. I know I'm probably bugging you with all this mail, but I like the routine of keeping you informed about the twins and I. Today is the first day of my first ever job! Yay, I think... Anyway, Dad said I needed to learn some responsibility before going off to college, so he got me an internship of sorts working for one of his clients. He's a pretty big star so maybe you'll see me in the background of a photo in one of those magazines you used to like to read. The lady I'm shadowing is really nice, she showed me around the house that we'll be working out of. You should see it, Mom, you can see the whole basin from the window of the room we'll be spending the most time in. It's beautiful.

The twins are doing good too, I still cook them breakfast every morning and we still listen to the same song going to sleep every night. Remember laying in bed and humming 'weightless' to me? That puts them to sleep just like it did me. You should see how big they've gotten! I can barely carry both of them now, Jeremiah brags that he's a little taller than Joseph and it makes Joseph so mad. They're inseparable though and I couldn't ask for better baby brothers. I'm going to miss them when I have to move out. I know I'm being ridiculous because I'm only moving half an hour away, but I'll miss the morning meals and the car ride karaoke on the way to the daycare.

Alright, I've done enough rambling, I need to get the twins up and get their breakfast started anyway. Sorry for the incohesive letter, I just wanted to get everything out without having to bore you with a bunch of drabble mushed in. We love and miss you every day. If you ever find the time feel free to send a letter back our way. Even a few sentences would be perfect.

All the Love,

Alexander Sieger

By the time I had finished signing the letter my face was wet with tears and I was worried that I might smear the ink. I carefully folded the letter, placed it into the envelope, and sealed it before placing a gentle kiss on the newly placed stamp.

"I need to pull myself together, today is not the day for tears Alex," I muttered to myself shaking the thoughts of Mom out of my head.

It was about six o'clock now so I crept up to the twins' room and peeped in. Seeing that they were both still asleep I just couldn't resist the temptation to take a running leap onto their bed.

"Up up up! Who's ready for breakfast?" I sang as the boys groaned.

I reached over to their radio and flipped it on blaring some 'Hakuna Matata' as they silently watched me dance around the room. Eventually, my ridiculous dancing began to elicit some giggles and after another few minutes, we were all up dancing around.

"I'll ask again, who's ready for breakfast?" I shouted theatrically throwing my hands in the air.

"We are!" they sang while trying to match the tune of the song, it didn't work.

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