Chapter 5

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**Harrys POV**

Jess was gone with Niall to get drinks and I knew exactly what Niall was going to do. Niall didn’t flirt with girls to often but if he really liked a girl he did, and I could tell he liked Jess. Jess was fit, and I wanted for her for myself. I grabbed Louis arm and started pulling him towards the bar.

“Louis come get a drink with me.”

“We were just there 2 minutes ago.”

“I need another one.”

“I'm not done mine. Neither are you.”

“Fine. Zayn come get a drink with me.”


“Wait a second” Louis stopped me “Harry what’s going on?”

“Nothing. I just want another drink. Zayn c’mon”

I made my way out of the booth we were in, Zayn following close behind me. He grabbed my arm to catch up. We walked side by side to the bar where Niall and Jess were standing next to each other. I clenched my fists as she laughed to something Niall said. I walked ahead of Zayn and towards Jess. Zayn stopped me.

“Harry!” Zayn yelled as he pulled on my arm once again

“What?” I snapped back

“Woah! What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing.” I pulled my arm back “I just need another drink.”

“No you don’t. This is something else.” Zayn paused “I know you Harry. Tell me what’s going on.”

“I want to go talk to Jess!”

“Why?” He asked.

I stopped to think. Did I want to tell Zayn? He is one of my best friends. But if I told him the truth, he would tell Liam, and Liam would tell Louis, and Louis would tell Niall. I did want to get to know Jess better. Then it hit me. Jess was an amazing performer, she just finished her tour, and we were looking for an opening act for our upcoming tour. I looked and Zayn and smiled cheekily.

“I want to get to know her. She would be an amazing opening act! Don’t you think?”

“Harry! You’re a genius!” He smiled “I’ll go tell Liam.”

He turned away and started walking towards our booth. I started towards Jess and Niall again.

“Hey guys!” I winked at Jess, and her cheeks went bright pink.

“Hi.” She smiled tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Uh Niall, Liam wants to talk to you about something.”

“Okay. I’ll be right back Jess.” He stood up from his bar stool and walked away.

“So,” I said sitting down into Niall’s seat “How’s it going?”

“Great!” She giggled “How about you?”

“Really good.” I smiled at her. “So you’re a fan.”

“Let’s just say I used to be obsessed.”

“Really? Did you ever see us in concert?”

“I was supposed to. But I was to busy being on tour!” She laughed “My best friend back home went though. She said she cried.”

Wow she was cute.

“I’m guessing she’s a fan as well.” I questioned.

“Yeah she is INSANE!” She emphasized.

“I’d love to meet her someday.”

“I’m sure she’d love that to.” She said taking a sip of her drink.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the caller id. Niall. I pressed ignored and shoved it back in my pocket. Once again it started buzzing. This time when I looked at it, Liam was calling me. I clicked the green button.

“Hey Liam what’s up?”

“Niall just called you. Why didn’t you answer?”

“Oh I didn’t hear it ring sorry.”

“Harry,” Jess put her hand on my leg, instantly making me blush. “I’m going to the washroom, I’ll be right back.”

“Okay!” I smiled at her.

“Are you with Jess?” Liam said over the phone.

“She just went to the loo, but yeah why?”

“When she comes back bring her back to the booth.”

“Why?” I asked taking a sip of my drink

“Well we called Simon, and he loves the idea of her opening for us! But we need her information, and managers information. So when she comes back from the bathroom, bring her over to the booth.”

“Got it! Thanks Liam. See ya soon.”

I hung up the phone and opened my twitter app.  I searched “Jess Armour” and when I found and followed her, I decided to tweet her.

@Harry_Styles: Saw @JessArmour29 and @CarlyRaeJepsen in concert tonight! Amazing! Smashed it! Good job guys!

Immediately my mentions starting poring in, people tweeting me to follow them, or tweet them back.

“Harry?” A sweet voice startled me. I looked up and saw Jess’s face. My face, once again went bright red.

“Oh um… yeah hi.” I snapped myself out of my trance. “Uh.. Let’s go back to the booth.

“Okay!” She smiled.

I took her hand to lead her back to the booth.  I felt tingles in my fingers as soon as our hands touched. Why was this happening? I never felt like this around a girl. I knew she was fit, but could I actually have feelings for her? I only met her, it’s not possible.

I was snapped out my thoughts by walking into another person. Thank god it was just Louis.

“Hey Mate!” He laughed. “You alright?”

“Uh…” I said rubbing my forhead. “I’m fine.”

“Come you need some air.” He said grabbing my arm. “Guys! Harry and I will be right back.”

I saw Jess settle into a seat with Niall, and my fists clenched up. What was wrong with me?


Sorry I have been MIA lately! Been really busy with my play and stuff! Leave me feedback :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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