Chapter 1

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“You ready Jess?”

“Yeah Carly. One second!”

"Hurry up! Last show tonight! We gotta kill it.”

I smiled and opened my dressing room door to let Carly in.

“We always kill it.”

She walked to me and we pulled each other into a big hug.

“I know. But this is our last show together.”

Over the last year Carly and I had become really clos. She was like my older sister. We had been all over the world together, and she was really helpful when it came to boy troubles.

“I can’t believe it’s almost over.” I said wiping my eyes to prevent the tears from rolling down my cheeks.

“I know.” Carly sighed “Neither can I. But lets not focus on that! Lets focus on 1. We’re in LA Baby! And 2. Giving a great show to an amazing audience which by the way is full of celebrities!”

“Really?” I ask “Like who?”

“Justin Bieber, Zac Efron, Flo Rida, Selena Gomez, Shakira, Lady Gaga! No one we haven’t met before!”

“Will be get to hang with them after?

“Yeah! Justin is throwing us a party to celebrate a great tour.”

“That’s so sweet of him.”

“I know right? I’ll let you finish getting ready. You’re on in five minutes!”

“Okay. Thanks Carly!”

I let out a sigh and turned to look at my reflection in the mirror. For the last show I decided to keep my brown hair curly, rather then straightening it like I normally do.

I got my make-up artist Liz to give me smoky eyes so my blue eyes would pop. I was really lucky to have Liz because when it came to make-up, I was such a noob.

As I was applying one final coat of lip gloss there was a knock at my door.

“You’re on Jess!”

I ran down the hall to my starting position receiving shouts from the crew saying things like “Good luck Jess!” and “Have fun!”

Since I had been on tour for the last year I hadn’t had anytime to write or record my album, so I had decided on 14 of my favourite songs. My set list was:

Party in the U.S.A


Teenage Dream

Stereo Hearts



The City


Drive By

Heart Skips A Beat


More Than This

One Thing

What Make You Beautiful

There are three one direction songs because they are my favourite band. Niall once gave me a shoutout on twitter for singing three of their songs but I have never actually met them. They were who I most wanted to meet on the tour, but I never did.

“Jess!” I heard Carly scream

“I have to go on! What do you want?”

“Guess who else is in the crowd tonight.”


“Oh my god you’ll never guess, and you’ll flip out when I te-“

“CARLY! I have to go on in 10 seconds! Who is watching the concert?”

“One Direction!”

Those two words made me more nervous then I had ever been in my whole life. Then I was shoved on the stage and started barely managed to start singing.

Authors Note: 

So thats chapter one! please tell me what you think!! it honestly means a lot! i wrote a long chapter 2 on the plane so thats coming soon! :) 

Also if you or anyone you know is good at making covers, please tell me! I need one :P

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