Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

**Jess' POV**

My heart beat was going insane. I just bumped into Niall Horan, and he was staring at me. He didn't take his blue eyes off me as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Hey!" he broke the silence

"Um... Hi." I managed to reply.

"I'm Niall." He stuck his hand out, his eyes still on me.

"Uh..." I kept staring at him. I probably looked like such an idiot. "Uh... Yeah I know. I'm uh..."

"You're Jess Armour." He finished for me. "This party is for you."

"C'mon Jess!" I thought! "Get yourself together!!"

"Uh... Yeah! Sorry!" I said "I'm just in shock. I am a HUGE fan. Like you don't even know."

"It's no problem" He chuckled "I'm a fan of yours."

"Are you serious?" I asked "Woah that's insane!"

"Yeah!" He replied "You're crazy talented."

"That means so much. Thanks." I smiled and he smiled back.

"So you said you're a fan of us?" He said.

"Yeah! One of the biggest."

"Wanna meet the rest of the band?"

"Oh my god yes! More than anything!"

"Okay!" He took my hand and my cheeks instantly turned bright red. "Let's go!"

"Wait!" I stopped. "Just let me get Carly!"

"Sure. No problem! I'll wait here." He dropped my hand.

I smiled and ran away to look for Carly.

I was starting to regret the heels. Not only were they killing my feet, but they were extremely hard to run in. I decided it was best if I stopped running because I was going to fall and humiliate my self if I kept running. I spotted Carly by Justin and walked towards her.

"Carly!" I yelled at her

"Hey Jess!" Justin said.

"Justin! Hey!" I gave him a quick hug. "Thanks for the party, this is amazing!"

"My pleasure! You girls had a great tour, thought it should end with a bang!" He said.

"Would you mind if I borrowed Carly for a few minutes?"

"Not at all." He winked "She's all yours."

"Thanks Justin!"

I grabbed Carly's arm and dragged her away.

"Ow!" She yelled over the music. "What's up with you?"

"I'm freaking out Carly!"

"Why? Did one direction leave?"

"No! Not at all! I was walking with my head down, and then I bumped into Niall, and I totally froze and now I need you to come with me to meet the rest of the band because I'm freaking out Carly!!"

"Oh my god! Why are we waiting!? Let's go!!"

She grabbed my arm and together we ran towards Niall.

"Niall!" I got his attention "This is Carly."

"Hi!" Carly said. "you're very attractive."

"She's very honest." I said to Niall.

Niall laughed and responded "It's alright. Honest is good. C'mon let' go. The lads are this way."

He once again took my hand, and my face flushed red. He pushed through the crowd never dropping my hand. I held on to Carly's arm, dragging her behind me. Niall looked back at me, and smiled. I smiled back and looked down at the ground. When I looked up, I saw the rest of the boys sitting at a booth together.

"Hey lads!" Niall got their attention. "I have some people that want to meet you." He dropped my hand, which made my heart drop and gestured towards Carly and I. "Jess Armour and Carly Rae Jepsen."

They all stood up. Liam put his hand out to shake mine.

"I'm Liam." He said "Nice to meet you."

Louis and Zayn stepped forward. Louis put his arm around me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm Louis" He let me go "Your show was great love"

Zayn put his hand up and gave a tiny wave. "I'm Zayn." He said shyly.

Harry pushed Louis and Zayn back and walked up to me and Carly. He kept his eyes on me and I kept mine on his. Carly squeezed my arm, but I kept looking at Harry. Finally he said

"Harry." And stuck his hand out, and shook mine and Carly's hand.

"H-hi" I stuttered.

"You girls had a great show. Jess you were incredible"

"Thanks." I smiled and looked down at my feet.

"Hey Jess" Niall put his hand on my shoulder and I looked up, "Can I get you a drink?"

"Yeah." I smiled "That would be great."

He, once again, took my hand and pulled me out of the group, leaving Carly with the rest of the boys. I turned back to smile at Carly, but my eyes met Harrys instead who just looked mad. I ignored it and turned back to Niall.


There we go! Chapter 4! Sorry i havent been posting a lot recently! Hope youre enjoying this though!

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