Chapter 2

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“I’m gonna get you back.”

I finished the last words of  ‘Misery’ and took a deep breath in. Now I had to sing the One Direction songs. Normally this was my favourite part of the show, but this time not only did I have to sing these songs in front of over 20,00 people. I also had to sing it in front of One Direction themselves. I decided to give a little speech before starting.

“Okay LA! Are we having fun so far?”

Cheers and applause came from the crowd.

“Alright. I’m glad to hear it!! So these last 3 songs are 3 of my favourite songs ever by my most favourite band ever. And from what I’m told they are in the audience tonight! If you’re a hardcore fan like I am... you will probably freak out as much as I did when I was told they were here!”

I took a deep breath in. I was shaking so much! I couldn’t believe I was in the same room as one direction. I couldn’t believe they were watching ME perform! I couldn’t believe all these people were here to watch me!

“So LA! My last 3 songs are by non other then…” I paused

“One Direction”

I was very close to going deaf, but started singing my favourite song “More Than This”

Just as I was beginning Nialls solo, I spotted them. All 5 of them. All their eyes on me. I went down the line. Harry had his signature hair doo. He was wearing his black Ramones shirt, and jeans. Louis’ hair looked windswept, which almost made me faint. He was wearing a colorful sweater that I had seen him wear in pictures before, and black jeans. Nialls hair was longer than normal, but I really liked it long. He was wearing a grey ‘Jack Willis’ hoodie and jeans. Liam’s hair was sticking up a little bit which kind of made him look like a little kid, which was adorable.  He was wearing a plain white shirt with a red blazer over top, and blue jeans. Finally there was Zayn. His hair was spiked up as usual. He had a bit of stubble, which made him super sexy. He was wearing a graphic shirt, with a plaid hoodie over top, and beige jeans.

“That’s what makes you beautiful!”

I finished the last song I was ever going to sing on the tour. I looked back down at one direction to see Niall giving me a thumbs up, and harry winking at me. My checks became bright red!

“Before I go, and Carly comes on” I said “I just want to thank everyone on the tour. As you guys may know this is our last show. I have had such an amazing year! Last year I was sitting on my bed in Canada rebloging things on Tumblr. This year, I went to Europe, Australia and all over North America! So thank you everyone who has supported me!”

I wiped my eyes so I wouldn’t start bawling on stage.

“Thank you so much LA! Have a good night!”

I ran off stage and jumped into Carly’s arms for a big hug.

“You were amazing!” She cried


“Nice speech you gave right before your one direction songs.”

“Oh my god!” I screamed I made eye contact with them. I almost died.”

“Really? How do they look?”

“Like angels! Are they coming to the party after?”

“Yeah! Justin is friends with them.”

“Shit! I need to get ready.”

Carly laughed

“Wait for me! As soon as I’m done performing I will come get ready with you.”

“Okay! Good luck.”


Carly ran onto the stage as I ran into my dressing room. I slammed my door shut, and  fan girled harder then I ever had before.


Authors note: yay! longer chapter!! how you guys like it! also i got a cover! nice right? hahaha! anyways i am dedicating this chapter tooo iloveliammorethenyou because she was my first fan!! :) anyways! bye guys :)

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