Chapter 13

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One Year Later...

I sat on my bed, playing my guitar to pass the time when I heard my phone start to ring. I picked it up to see it was Maki, causing me to immediately answer.

"Hey Maki."

"Hey Y/n, you know how I mentioned that I wasn't going to be able to get a return flight until next week?" Maki said

"Yeah, what of it?" I responded

"I was lucky enough to get a flight home this Friday." Maki said

Hearing that, I immediately began to smile "Really? That's awesome! I should be able to come meet you at the airport."

The two of us spoke for a while and with the specifics of when her flight will land, our conversation came to an end. As soon as the phone call ended, I proceeded to call a different number.

"Hey Boss, you remember why I mentioned I would be talking a few days off next week? If it's possible, do you mind if we push it forward to start on Friday?"


As I stood in the rest area of the airport, I waited for Maki to arrive. Her flight should have landed a couple of minutes ago and me and Maki agreed to meet up here after she grabbed her luggage. Maki's parents are completely swamped with work today so they weren't able to meet her at the airport today.

I have to admit that there was a part of me that worried about the possibility that our year apart might have caused us to drift apart, but I tried to brush that thought to the side. There's no way that happened and if it did, I just need to hope that we can return to the way we were before. I love her too much to be able to accept any other option easily. I watched out and eventually I saw her. I smiled and began to walk over to her.

"It's been too long since we last saw each in person." I said before I pulled her into a hug "I'm glad you're home.

"I'm glad to be back." Maki said

We talked a little about whatever while we walked to my car. I've been working hard this past year because I realized that if I want to be able to give Maki all the happiness she deserves someday, I'm gonna want to become independent. To further that goal, I worked as hard as I could to get my own apartment and a car afterwards. It was kind of hard to adjust to living alone for a bit, but in the end I was able to get past the initial loneliness.

As I got in the driver's seat, I asked "So I know you probably want to head to your home, but how about you come join me for dinner at my apartment? It definitely isn't as good as something your family's personal chef would make, but I think it's pretty good."

Maki looked at me and said "Alright, I haven't seen your apartment yet, and besides, I don't want to say goodbye so soon, just because we arrived at my home."

I smiled and said "Me neither."

I started the car and drove us to my apartment building. It's a decent enough place and my neighbors seem like good people. Once we arrived, I showed Maki to my apartment and we headed inside.

"This is it." I said, "Nothing much, I know, but it's home. Gimme a minute to start dinner then we can talk some."

"Is there anything I can help with?" Maki asked

"I got this. I actually had been hoping to invite you over for dinner in the next few days so I picked up some stuff for this purpose." I said. Truth be told I had been hoping for the chance to do this today so I bought some salmon filet earlier today. "The plan is baked salmon with herb butter."

"Since when do you know how to cook stuff like that?" Maki asked

"Eh, I figured if I was gonna have to cook for myself, I may as well pick up a couple books about it so I could vary things up a bit more." I answered

I went to the kitchen and after preparing the herb butter, I placed them atop the salmon filet in an aluminum foil lined baking sheet and put it in the oven. I then returned to Maki and we talked until when I went to check on the salmon and found it done. I served it up with rice and brought it to my dining room table. When we finally were about to eat, I held back from taking my first bite to see Maki's thoughts. She took a bite of her salmon and after a moment said "It's good."

"That's good to hear. I'm glad that you like it." I responded.

We ate and continued to talk for a while. I missed her smile so much and being able to be with her again turned a good day to something wonderful. Eventually, we sat at the table with empty plates, still talking for a while.

When the topic we were talking about ended, Maki said "Excuse me for a minute, I should really call Mama."

I nodded "Alright, while you're doing that, I'll start dishes."

We both stood up and Maki opened the front door and went outside as I went to the sink with our dishes. There weren't many dishes so when I was done, I headed to the couch to wait for Maki. The sun is starting to set and I figure that Mr. and Mrs. Nishikino will be looking forward to coming home from the hospital to see their daughter again, so I guess in thirty minutes or something, I should drive her home.

When Maki came into the house, she was blushing pretty fiercely and said "Hey Y/n, while I do want to see Mama and Papa again, I don't know if I want to say goodbye to you today. If you want though, maybe I can stay the night over with you."

"If you'd be willing then I'd love for you to stay over." I replied "But don't your parents want to see you? You just got back after all."
"I was planning to go to brunch with Mama and Papa tomorrow. We can see them then." Maki said. We huh? I guess she wants me to go with her.

"Well then, I'd love to have you stay over." I repeated


Later that night, as I joined Maki in bed, we snuggled against each other and I said "Hey, maybe once things are back to normal... maybe we can move in together. Or something."

Maki gave me a kiss and said "I'd love to."

As we laid together, I couldn't help but look at my wonderful girlfriend until I fell asleep.

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