We found you Baby Girl

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Story requests from @xXAzure_WolfTrotXx. I was asked to write about them married and with a child so I decided that in this one, Ash and Gladion first meet Sakura. Sorry, it took a while, I had to do a lot of research. Thank you. Merry Christmas everyone. Be safe and enjoy.

It had been eleven months since their future daughter made a surprise appearance thanks to Celebi, and what a long eleven months it had been. After Celebi had taken the children home, Gladion had dragged Ash straight home so the two could research what they needed to do to qualify to be foster parents. But it turned out to be quite a process due to Alola having four separate islands with their laws with fostering children.

Ash and Gladion had to fill out different applications before sending them off to the four islands, as well as visit the four islands to provide the information that the case managers needed to know about the two. By the time the end of November rolled around, Ash and Gladion had gone through multiple interviews with the different case managers from the four islands and different training classes before finally reaching the home visits with the case managers.

Gladion sighed as he collapsed on the couch after Ailani, the case manager from Poni Island, left.

"Please tell me we'll be getting our qualifications soon," he said as he placed an arm over his eyes.

"That was the last home visit, according to Ailani," Ash said as he sat on the floor next to Gladion, lying his head on Gladion's stomach while facing Gladion at the same time.

"She said she'll be in contact with the others and that we'll have the assessment reports by the end of the week."

Gladion lifted his arm off his eyes, looking at Ash as he ran his fingers through Ash's hair.

"I thought we would be in trouble when we told them I work at the foundation," Gladion admitted. Ash smiled before pressing a kiss to Gladion's stomach.

"It's just because Lusamine is making sure that everyone knows what to do if they see an Ultra Beast," Ash said, tracing patterns along Gladion's torso. "It's just a safety precaution."

"I know," Gladion sighed, trying to enjoy Ash's touch. "Ash, I'm scared."

Ash lifted his head in surprise, causing Gladion's hand to leave his hair.

"What's wrong?"

Gladion sat up and turned his body so he was facing Ash.

"What if we don't find her Ash?" he asked, looking at his lap. "Sakura said we didn't adopt her until she was one. She was the youngest out of the four kids. The twins are eight months now and Basil was born nearly two months ago. How long will it be until we find her?"

Ash smiled as he rose to his knees, placing his fingers under Gladion's chin and lifting gently. Once Gladion was looking at him, Ash placed a gentle kiss against Gladion's lips. Gladion sighed happily as he melted into his husband's touch. After pulling away, Ash climbed onto Gladion's lap and started to run his fingers through Gladion's hair.

"We're going to find her," Ash smiled. "Remember what I told you about Celebi?"

"When Celebi appears, the future will be bright," Gladion repeated.

Ash nodded.

"Celebi wouldn't have brought her to us if she wasn't ours," Ash said. "Celebi isn't cruel."

Gladion nodded as he leaned his forehead against Ash's, wrapping his arms around Ash's back.

"Do you think after we find her, we'll still foster others?" he asked. "Maybe adopt another?"

Baby Girl - Short Stories of Ash and Gladion's daughter, SakuraWhere stories live. Discover now