Baby Girl is Growing Up

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Hello, I've been watching Anne with an E on Netflix lately and I saw this really interesting episode where Anne gets her first period. It made me think how there's not a lot of stories dealing with things like first periods or first bras. So I thought up this. I'm still working on the other requests. This idea just popped up and I was thinking you know this could be interesting. I also wanted to write this to show that this is normal and not something to be ashamed about. So in this one, Sakura gets her first period and Gladion is surprised by how calm Ash is being. Hope you like it.

When fifteen-year-old Sakura woke up on Saturday morning, she felt hot and a little sick, plus her pyjamas felt a little damp. As she sat up and lifted her blankets off, she blinked in shock when she saw that under her legs was blood. She bit her lip in panic as she quickly got up and stripped her pyjamas off before grabbing her dressing gown. After putting it on, she quickly stripped her bed, relieved that the blood hadn't gone through to the mattress.

Quickly looking outside her room to make sure both of her fathers weren't around, she quickly ran into the bathroom, not noticing that Mimikyu and her partner Deerling had seen her and the blood on her sheets.


"So, what do you think of the lesson plan I've created for next week?" Ash asked as he finished chopping up some berries.

"So many sports," Gladion said as he set the table. "You're going to dedicate the week to learning different sports you can play with Pokémon?"

"Why not?" Ash smiled as he brought over the berries and pancakes. "These different sports will allow the kids to build up a certain trust between each other which will allow them to work together as one in a variety of situations. So, who's turn is it to wake up Saki?"

"Let Silvally wake her up," Gladion smiled. "Somehow, she got your talent for sleeping like the dead."


Ash and Gladion looked towards the sound to see their daughter's Deerling and Mimikyu standing in the doorway with worried looks on their faces.

"Deerling? Mimikyu?" Gladion frowned. "Is something wrong?"

Mimikyu moved forward and grabbed Gladion's hand with its shadowy hand while Deerling started to tug on Ash's pants.

"You want to show us something?" Ash asked. The two Pokémon nodded and lead the two men towards the bathroom. Gladion frowned when he noticed Sakura's bedroom door open but Sakura was nowhere to be seen.

"Wait, is Saki hurt?" He asked in concern as he reached for the door handle. "Petals? Are you okay?"

Sakura screamed in shock as Gladion opened the door.

"Get out!" She screamed, throwing one of the cups at the door. Gladion cringed as he quickly shut the door, hearing the thud that came from the cup colliding with the closed door.

"Sorry Saki," Gladion called. "I didn't mean to walk in on you. Deerling and Mimikyu are worried about you. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, daddy," Sakura called. "I just had an accident. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Ash called. "They're very worried. Can we come in?"

"I don't want you to," Sakura admitted.

"Come on Saki," Gladion said. "Please let us in. If something is bothering you, we're happy to listen."

There was a pause, causing Ash and Gladion to hold their breaths.

"Okay," Sakura sighed. "You can come in."

Ash and Gladion opened the door to see that Sakura was wearing her dressing gown and had placed her pyjamas and her bedsheets in the bathtub with running water.

Baby Girl - Short Stories of Ash and Gladion's daughter, SakuraDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora