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So today was our first day in the class, we got to choose our seats and I sat next to my only friends, the boys, at the front of the room. Me and the boys have been friends for years and I honestly can't imagine myself being friends with girls, all the girls that I've seen always talk about boys, or trends. "okay now, I would like you to make expectations for the class, like 'don't talk back to teachers', discuss as a table, or on your own, any will do,"
The whole class broke the silence and discussed the topic, then once we'd got our answers we went into our own conversations.
"I assume, since we're all joking about, that we're done?, Good good, who would like to tell me their ideas?" A few people answered and at one point I raised my hand and he picked me, "respect everybody" I answered
"Ah yes, respect, my favorite if I'm honest, yes respect can get you a lot in life, and as I always say, if you respect me, I'll respect you in the same way, if you don't respect me, well.. I'll just have to send you to the nursery, and take it from me those kids are scary." The class giggled.


I really liked my teacher and we created a bond in the time we spent together, we had a lot of inside jokes and he even trusted me to use his computer for anything, including Netflix at break. About half way through the year he sat me at the back of the class on my left was one of the boys, his name was Callum, and on my right, a girl who I didn't know, named Ellie, she seemed the type that would tell the teachers everything.

Toby was my best friend, I could tell him everything and he'd just smile, he really wouldn't mind. "Oooo tobbyyyyyy~" Ash a boy I have a crush on, teased as he saw me enter the class, I sat down in my seat and he ran to me "MELANIE!! MELANIE, TOBY HAS TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" he shouted, Toby chasing him trying to get him to stop "NO I DON'T" "HE DOESSS" I smile watching them and they eventually get to me, "Toby has a big crush on youuu" Ash said without hesitating and he was giggling a lot, "WHAT NO THATS STUPID" Toby kept denying, but at one point he admitted it.. and next thing I know we're together. Everybody supports us and we never really 'did' anything like hug, because we were only 9-10 at the time.


It was a completely normal day, apart from the fact none of the boys were at school today, they were all off "sick", (they planned to pretend to be ill so they didn't go to school the day before, their plan obviously worked)
I was lonely in the back of the class, Ellie is talking to some other girl her name was Carley, they were best friends, nothing in the world could separate them. "Move so I can sit down" Carley said to her, "I can't move she's in the way", she replied, "then tell her to move", "I can't just-" she was interrupted, "move." Carley said to me.
I shuffled my chair over a bit trying to give her enough room, "God sake hurry up!" She frowned. "Just take my seat" I sighed as I was standing up, "okay no need to be moody Jesus Christ" she says and Ellie was silently watching, I walk away and find somewhere else to sit.

A few days later and Toby hasn't been speaking to me, but when he did the conversations were dead, or forced, like group talks and things. They were laughing a lot and they were all ignoring me. "BAHAHAH AND THEN HE GOES 'oH sOrRy I fOrGoT'" "WTH AHAHAHA", then literally 20 minutes after that the whole mood changes and then they are all looking at me "Melanie..we need to tell you something and it's important" the boys say, "what?"
Ash starts explaining "so it's nothing personal.. but Toby doesn't love you anymore and he loves Keira instead" they smile at me, "oh.. okay.." I look away and feel embarrassed because I couldn't move seats so it would be really awkward since they all just witnessed it and- ugh..

The same night I'm playing Roblox and Ash joins me, and I have a lot of questions so I go to him and type in the chat "why doesn't he like me anymore" he replies "your nose lol" then leaves the game before I get to reply. And still, to this day, I hate my nose.
It might not seem like a big deal, but those types of things really stick with me.

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