Shes leaving

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Mika wakes up in night and Bose is by her side lets move along shall we (humor).

Mika: Bose wake up!

Bose: what's wrong?

Mika: I just wanted to know if I can sit on your lap.

Bose: sure.

Mika gets in Bose's lap and snuggles in his chest.

Mika: thank you.

Bose: your welcome I love you.

Mika: love you to.

Mika gives Bose a kiss on his cheek and snuggles back in his chest and goes to sleep.

☀ Bose wakes up next to Mika who's in his lap and kisses her cheek and then Mika wakes up and starts staring in his eyes and then they kiss again then Bose starts giggling again.

Mika: Bose why do you giggle when ever I kiss you?

Bose: I just like you and I guess I like the way you kiss me so I giggle but I'll try and stop if it bothers you.

Mika: it's okay I like your giggle I actually find it kind of cute.

Bose: yours to.

Mika: I don't have a giggle.

Bose: he starts tickling her making her giggle a lot.

Mika: okay stop it she starts giggling again. Or I'll make you giggle again.

Bose: how? he says while still tickling her.

Mika starts tickling Bose in his neck which is his weak spot.

Bose: okay okay stop I'll stop please.

Mika: good boy she gives Bose a kiss on his lips and gets up and goes to change for swag.

Bose: so are your parents sending you back to real school to? Mine are and i'd hate to go alone.

Mika: yeah they are and that's actually something I need to talk to you about. You know how I love cheerleading right?

Bose: yeah.

Mika: so my parents thought maybe I can go to cheer camp so I can be a cheerleader when school starts back how would you feel if I left over the summer I promise I'll be back after summer and we'll be back together in August.

Bose: I'd be pretty sad but as long as you call me at least twice every day than I think I can live with it.

Mika: you're the best boyfriend ever I leave in two weeks. She gives Bose a kiss on his lips and stares at him.

Bose: can we hang out until you leave he says while whimpering.

Mika: that was the plan why are you crying baby?

Bose: I'm really gonna miss you he says while barring his head in her shoulder.

Mika: hey it's okay lift your head up for me.

Bose lifts his head and Mika gives him a bunch of kisses on his cheek and strokes his hair.

Bose: thank you is there any way you can stay please i can't live without you even if we were just best friends i'd probably still be heart broken.

Mika: i'm sorry but I have to go you know how much cheerleading means to me.

Bose: I know just wanted to give it a try.

Mika: nice try you wanna go to hip hop puree or do you want another kiss?

Bose: I'll take another kiss.

Mika: come here.

Mika starts kissing Bose then he kisses back and it turns into a slow make out.

Mika: I love you. You ready to go?

Bose: love you too lets go.

Bomika arrives at hip hop puree and mika wraps her arms around Bose neck and kisses him to calm him down.

Bose: thank you.

Mika: we'll do one thing that you want to do.

Bose: well there is one thing you know where I can find gummy worms?

Mika: try the farmers market a block over.

Bose: I'll be right back.

Mika: okay.

Bose comes back with long gummy worms.

Mika: so you just wanted some gummy worms?

Bose: no well yes but I wanted to do something else to.

Mika: what's that?

Bose holds one end of the gummy worm and tries to give Mika the other half of it.

Mika and Bose meet in the middle and kiss.

Two weeks pass by and Mika's leaving for cheer camp.

Mika: Bose are you gonna be okay.

Bose: yeah just promise you'll call me every day.

Mika: only if you promise to take care of your self over the summer I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you.

Bose: I promise can I get one more kiss?

Mika: sure Mika gives Bose a kiss on his lips and then whispers in his ear I love you than kisses him behind his ear.

A/N: Will Bose be able to survive without mika all summer find out in the next chapter and since Mika's gone I will add more chiles moments in there but the story is mainly about Bose and seeing if he can survive without his girlfriend and keep his promise to her. Now in chapter ten the kids go back to school and Mika comes back and there's a bully see ya soon. First to give me an idea for my final chapter gets a shout out.

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