strep throat/ tonsils

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A/N: so I've run out of ideas and I don't know how this got in my head I just know most the books I read have someone getting sick so these last few chapters might just be one shots.

Mika: guys Bose said his throat hurts

Miles: and now you're going to baby him for the rest of the day.

Chapa: I'll get my ear plugs.

Mika: well I want to take care of him.

            Bose comes from the tube

Bose: hey guys ow he says because his throat sore.

Mika: hey are you okay I heard your throat was sore.

       Bose just shakes his head no.

Mika: maybe schwoz can look at your throat.

Bose: please no I'm scared of his big tools. He whispers.

Mika: please he can help you no more pain equals more kisses.

Bose: fine you can ask him.

Mika: okay be right back.

Mika: schwoz can you look at Bose's throat he says it hurts and he can barely talk.

Schwoz: sure but I'm gotta need your help.

Mika: why?

Schwoz: to hold him down so I can check his throat.

Mika: okay.

Bose: what did he say?

Mika: he said he can check your throat but you have to stay calm.

Bose: okay.

Schwoz checks Bose's throat and comes back 15 minutes later.

Mika: what did the test say.

Schwoz: well Bose has never had his tonsils taken out that's vhy his throat hurts and cause he has strep throat.

Mika: well can you take his tonsils out.

Schwoz: vell I could but he'll be in pain for a few days.

Mika: I'll take care of him I'll stay here in the mans nest and tell my parents I'm at chapa's house.

Schwoz: okay come on Bose be back in an hour.

Mika: okay be gentle.

                       1 hour later

Mika: okay you're finally back how'd it go.

Bose: it hurts

Bose snuggles in Mika lap and goes to sleep.

Schwoz: also because of the pain he'll probably sleep for the next few hours.

Mika: okay anything else.

Schwoz: he can't eat anything hard so might wanna blend his food until further notice. And check on him every 3 hours.

Mika: okay, that's it?

Schwoz: yeah see ya later.

Mika: can you take miles with you?

Schwoz: yeah.

Schwoz picks miles up and starts taking him home.


Mika is snuggling with Bose while she's watching a movie.

Bose: I gotta go to the bathroom.

Mika: alright don't mess with your throat.

Bose: okay.

He comes back and Mika scoots over towards him and gets in his lap goes to sleep in his arms.

Bose: can I get a kiss?


Mika: aw my baby sleeping Bose come on get up schwoz said give you your medicine he just called.

Mika starts tickling Bose to wake him up then she starts kissing him.

Bose: okay I'm up he starts giggling because Mika kissed him.

Mika: I love your giggle okay here she says giving him his medicine.

Bose: do I have to take it?

Mika: do you want your pain to go away?

Bose: yeah okay I'll take it.

Mika: good boy then gives Bose a kiss.

                        3 days later

Schwoz: okay Bose your tonsils are healed.

Mika: yay she hugs Bose and kisses him on his cheek.

Bose: yes I can't wait to eat.

Mika: me too, I can't wait to sleep. can you get me something while I sleep?

Bose: sure you want some Churro king?

Mika: yeah thank you.

Bose: your welcome hey were school supply shopping tomorrow right?

Mika: yep and in 3 days I get to be a cheerleader. 

Bose: I'm happy for you be back in an hour.

Mika: okay.

                       1 hour later

Bose: Mika we got a huge deal at churro king. Where is she?

Bose: aw she's sleeping I'll tell her when she wakes up.

Miles: well wanna play video games until she wakes up?

Bose: no way I don't wanna wake her she took care of me while I was healing she deserves to get the best sleep possible.

Miles: fine wanna have a boy's weekend this weekend we'll do all the stuff we use to do before you and Mika started dating.

Bose: sorry I was going to hang with mika she said we'll go to the arcade and get prices plus while I was at the mall I got some tickets so we already have half of the tickets we need for the prize we wanna buy plus I'm getting something for her to but I don't wanna tell you because Mika says you can't keep a secret.

Bose: why don't you go play video games with chapa?

Miles: we broke up she said I was self-centered.

Bose: well maybe you build a relationship like me and Mika did.

Miles: what relationship did you build?

Bose: we build a relationship off of trusting each other, loving each other, and respecting each other and we haven't fought once and I couldn't be happier with any other girl. Maybe you should put all that in your next relationship.

Miles: maybe your right, anymore advice?

Bose: yeah maybe if you stop focusing on me and Mika's relationship maybe your relationship could have been like ours and you could've had a relationship like ours.

Miles: alright thanks man and I'll leave you guys alone you two officiously love each other and I'd hate to get in the way of love.

Bose: thanks if you want I can help you get chapa back if you promise to corroborate.

Miles: thanks but I think I'll try on my own first. You spending the night here tonight.

Bose: yeah Mika's pretty tired and I don't want her to go home in the dark plus I don't want to go in the dark either.

Miles: alright night man.

Bose: night.

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