Question 8

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Question asked by 

"Let's go with this one, what did inspire you to write these stories in the first place?"

I've always been interested in writing a Rainimator fanfic, but always wanted my own characters, so a year before I began writing a series on paper that was a book and a half long, before I lost motivation during the second book.

Eventually, I rebound this script and decided to rewrite it.

The rough draft version of Keyblade Legends, had a rough draft version that was never published.

The title?

The earlier version of this series didn't have a name


The cast we know and love (okay maybe not love) today, was not all included in the script.

In the rough draft version, we had Rain and Stella as the two main characters, along with Blaze, who would be the inspiration for our lovable idiotic Ember and Nina, who was Blaze's love interest. We also had Meeps and a character named Shawny, who would later be renamed as Razer.

Now, there were a few small similarities

Rain and Stella were still two of the main characters

Meeps followed Herobrine

Nina is an inventor in both books


Stella has a bitchy mother

Meeps was related to Andrew in some way

Andrew was mentioned, just like books 1 - 4 of the series, but never did appear. This might be subverted as Andrew does appear in the series, but was considered to be the ghost in the first four books, as he first made his appearance halfway in the series

However, somethings did change

Shawny was only 12 in this book, and wasn't called Razer or Caleb.

Stella becomes mute

Blaze was renamed Ember

Nina was the love interest of Blaze

Moon, Alex, Sheila and Kyle didn't exist, while Andrew was mentioned.

This book also helped me bring some elements into Keyblade Legends

Nina, who was originally from this book, and the love interest of Blaze, became a character in Rebirth.

As Shawny, who was introduced as a brainwashed kid in the old book, is renamed Razer during the final draft and wasn't brainwashed in the series... until Rebirth, where his sanity chips away until he's sorta like a mind control slave in a way

Nina was the love interest of Blaze but she was replaced by Moon. However, I really liked Nina, so I made her into an important character in part 1 of Rebirth, and one of Ember's closest companions.

But even then, despite the terrible writing... it did path way to this series that I wish ended last year.

Any more questions? I do hope this clarified and I really hope I get more 

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