The Reason For Passion

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As I was writing Rebirth, I was intrigued of writing a prequel to the series, but wasn't sure how I wanted the story to go. All I knew was that I didn't want any of the characters we know star as the main characters. I wanted this to be years before any character was born, and make this connect to the series, but also be unique in it's own way.

This story was named Passion because Passion means "suffering and death", which gives its this book's true meaning.

This book is going to be darker and edgier, because while Keyblade Legends might be harsh at times, there's always some type of humor to pick it up.

But no, not for this. There will be humor, but that humor will dissolve into harsh hypocritical humor at times.

Now, because this is in the past, there is no technology at all. Which I will be using in the terms of "what if you're lost and you can't call someone?" Or "what if you're being attacked and nobody can help you?"

The lack of being able to call for help is going to be shown a lot, as most won't have somebody to help them.

I decided on 4 main characters; Troy, Regan, Darius and Shizuka. Each of these characters have their own struggles which leads to a certain fatal flaw.

Troy is an element-less, who just wants to be special and gain his own elemental power. Despite being a clumsy and friendly guy on surface, he is envious in the inside and holds the other apprentices because of their founded elements. Troy's fatal flaw is power.

Regan is a water element mage and the best friend of Troy. Regan is known to be a genius ditz, and very kind and loving. He tries to sympathize Troy's lack of power, but is very annoyed that Troy sometimes tries to make those around pity him, but never says anything in fear of being offensive. Regan also feels like he's not good enough for his own element because he isn't supportive enough. Regan's fatal flaw is personal loyalty

Darius is a fire mage and is the first ever student. While being friendly at times, Darius is quite the arrogant mage. Because he has fire powers, he believes he is better than everyone else and comes off as an Alpha Bitch. At times, however, he can be kind-hearted and has a soft spot for Regan. Darius' fatal flaw is selfishness.

Shizuka is an ice mage and is thought to be very shy. However, Shizuka is capable of speech, she is actually a selective mute. Shizuka is prone to panicking over the smallest things, and really needs a hug. Shizuka's fatal flaw is fear.

Topics I have in this book consists of

Holding grudges




Underaged drinking

Mentioned rape

Graphic violence

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