Question 1

121 4 7

Moonlark: First question, this is for you Stella

Lady_Stella asked 

Why is ember so fuckin stupid

How long will it take for the Ralla ship to REALLY start sailing. Like, I want more

I would like to point out that Damien is a asshole. I mean he just appeared but I hate him already

Ember: Fuck you

Stella: I have no idea why Ember is so fuckin stupid, in fact I question that everyday. I think that's how he was made.

The Ralla ship? I don't know, I mean, there's already plans for me in book 3, so, it may be a while, sorry. 

Oh, and Damian is going to become even more of an asshole soon.

Razer: Why is nobody spelling his name correctly?

Moon: They technically are.

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