New Interesting Facts

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If Eldritch gets split into two books, they'll be called Eldritch I and Eldritch II

A plan to combine all books into one story is possible, with multiple chapters being merged together

Author says this series is the biggest sin of her life

That's a sin

Weddings are nonexistent 

Book 9 is gonna ruin a lot of friendships

Daryll and Dexter was gonna die, but luckily most said "Live"which is amazing, since, you ppl usually choose "death".

The Terrayite Kingdom: Normal kingdom

The Oyrien Kingdom: Highly advanced

Cy- spoilers

Meeps actually has a country accent, however, she tries to speak normally, just to be somewhat normal. Meeps admits this is hard, but she's been able to master it, along with other voice impressions.

You can hear the Southern tone in her voice still

Razer has a split personality disorder

Shizuku can't die from old age

Meeps' dying is basically her systems shutting down

Razer becomes Undead Lord

This makes the three of them the longest to live out of all characters

The deceased can have another shot of life, aka rebirth with no memories

If Razer, Kyle, Andrew and Ember chose rebirth, they would be reborn, however Ember was resurrected while the others... the Gates of the Underworld opened up, allowing them to travel amongst the living

Major scenes for book 9 are already on paper

Civil War II???

Misaki owns a skeleton horse named Spudnick

(sad funeral music)

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