Hogwarts House Sorting

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(While we wait for more questions for Ember in the last chapter, if you have a question for him, go to the previous chapter, questions for Ember here won't be accepted)

Hogwarts houses for each character

Main Cast

Ember: Gryffindor 

Moon: Ravenclaw

Rain: Gryffindor

Stella: Hufflepuff

Razer: Slytherin

Meeps: Hufflepuff

Alex: Slytherin 

Sheila: Gryffindor 

Kyle: Slytherin

Andrew: Ravenclaw 

Nina: Hufflepuff

Jun: Gryffindor 

Damian: Slytherin

Shizuku: Ravenclaw

Other Characters (Canon)

Abigail: Slytherin

Patrick: Slytherin 

Azura: Ravenclaw

Daryll: Gryffindor 

Garroth (Unnamed Bandit 1 from Goodbye and Wings of Salvation): Gryffindor 

Hilda: Gryffindor 

Dexter: Hufflepuff 

Lyria: Hufflepuff

Ciara: Slytherin

Kane: Gryffindor 

Ceris: Gryffindor

Hogsworth: Slytherin

Herobrine: Gryffindor 

Null: Ravenclaw

Lance: Ravenclaw

Entity: Slytherin 

Iridescent: Ravenclaw

Ferelak: Gryffindor 

Other Characters (OCs)

Tsuki: Ravenclaw

Riko: Slytherin

Kaylee: Hufflepuff

Ryan: Gryffindor 

Hannah: Ravenclaw

Karin: Gryffindor

Ash: Hufflepuff 

Kirtanta: Gryffindor 

Devon: Slytherin 

Kat: Hufflepuff 

Kenji: Ravenclaw

Nolan: Slytherin 

Misaki: Hufflepuff/Slytherin (we are unable to figure it out)

Nebula: Slytherin

Beatrice: Slytherin 

Kyllian: Gryffindor 

Which ones did you expect and which ones surprised you?

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