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It comes without a surprise, Christian was pissed. The news of Leon's fight got to him faster than Leon could say sorry.

With his head in his hands, Leon waited for the blow. See, Christian was like a ticking bomb when he was mad and that bomb had been ticking for almost 30 minutes now, it was only a matter of time before he would blow.

"Now, repeat to me the reason for you to get into a fight."

When he realized Leon wasn't going to say anything, Sawyer sighed as he got up from his position on the wall. He took a seat next to Leon, Leon barely glanced at him, trying to prepare himself for the worst.

"If you don't answer us, we can't help you buddy." Sawyer spoke softly to him.

"Someone made fun of Thomas." He caved.


Leon's emotions were all over the place. He was mad, sad, frustrated, confused. He couldn't understand why someone would say such a thing about his 11 year old brother.

He gripped his head in his hands as he sat on the edge of his bed. Christian had blew up on him— as expected. He was grounded for the week, no friends, no video games or t.v. It was only him and his thoughts for now.


And her.

Leon slightly smiled, lifting his gaze to his sister who was standing in his door way.

"Hey Lizzie." He reached out for her. She graciously approached his embraced, leaning into his warmth. He watched as Elizabeth traced down his arm, stopping at his bruised knuckles, slightly frowning.

"Why'd you do it?" He heard another voice.

Looking up again he was met with the familiar eyes of Thomas.

Just the appearance of him made Leon remember why he got in a fight when he did. Anger coursed through his veins at the thought of it.

Leon was never the most violent person. He tended to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself, only speaking when he deemed necessary. It was no surprise that everyone was shocked with the news that Leon had gotten into a fight.

Though, Leon didn't like getting in fights, he would do anything for his family, even if it included getting a little bruised up or spilling some blood.

And I would do it again any day, for family meant everything to him.



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