Fighting||Cedrick x Gabe

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TW: Swearing, Fighting, yelling, name calling, tears
Cedricks Pov:

Gabe is being such a bitch today! He has been so rude and bitchy to me today like I did something. I tried asking him what I did he just rolled his eyes and walked away.

The others noticed as well. Preston, Briana, Andrew, George, and their friends were down as well! So they noticed Gabe being bitchy!

Yes they all know about me and Gabe. We didn't see it as something to hide so we told everyone.

I was currently sitting on the couch with Jordan, James, and a few others when I started looking for my phone. I realized I left it in my room so I got up and walked upstairs to me and Gabe's shared room and grabbed my phone off the bed.

I walked back downstairs and I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked at them and saw it was Gabe.

Cedrick: Sorry..
Gabe: watch where you're going you're not blind!
Cedrick: what the hell is wrong with you today?!
Gabe: what the hell is wrong with you?
Cedrick: why are being so bitchy to me?! What did I do?

He rolled his eyes and walked to our room so I followed him. I'm sick of his attitude today so I'm going to figure out what the fuck is wrong with him today!

I walked into the room and he was sitting on the bed. He looked up at me and rolled his eyes.

Gabe: why the hell are you in here? Cant you see I don't want you here?
Cedrick: I don't care if you want me here or not!
Gabe: then I'll leave then

He got up and walked to the door but I pushed him back onto the bed.

Cedrick: your not going anywhere until
You tell me what the fuck is wrong with you!
Gabe: wouldn't you like to know!
Cedrick: yes I do want to know! I want to know if I did something so I can fix it!

I started raising my voice completely forgetting the bedroom door was wide open. Gabe rolled his eyes and looked down to his phone. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his phone and put it in my pocket.

Gabe: what the hell?!!!
Cedrick: you will get it back once you tell me what the fuck your problem is!
Gabe: You're really getting on my nerves!
Cedrick: IM getting on your nerves?! You're getting on my nerves acting like a little bitch to me! Like what the fuck did I do?!

At this point we were completely yelling. I'm pretty sure everyone else heard us but I could care less at this point. Then when Gabe spoke up my heart stopped...


I stayed silent for a few seconds. I saw a look of guilt on Gabe's face like he regretted saying that.. I sighed heavily as he spoke again.

Gabe: Cedrick i-
Cedrick: no Gabriel! If you want space.. I'll give you space then..
Gabe: Cedrick wait..

I walked out the room slamming the door. I saw Nathan, James, and Jordan standing there with a look of concern on their face.

Nathan: Cedrick what was that about?..
Cedrick: He wants space.. so I'm giving him all the space he needs..

I walked downstairs and grabbed my hoodie as they all followed me.

James: Cedrick where are you going?
Cedrick: away from here.. he clearly doesn't want me here.. I'll be back later..

I walked out and walked over to the bridge that was over the water.. tears started falling from my eyes and down my face. I leaned against a post and looked down at the water as I sobbed quietly.

Maybe Gabe's right... maybe I am really clingy..

Gabe's Pov:

God Damnit!! Why did I have to snap at him like that! I love him so much! He isn't to clingy! I don't need space! I need him..

I felt tears running down my face.. I've fucked up badly.. I was only bitchy because things are happening in my family.. I never meant to take it out on Cedrick... fuck what am I gonna do?!

There was a knock on the bedroom door before it opened revealing James, Nathan, and Jordan.. I didnt bother to look at them.

Nathan: Gabe?..
Gabe: what?..
James: we heard everything..
Gabe: you did?..
Jordan: everyone did! Now what was that all about?
Gabe: I fucked up! Something happened in my family happened that made me upset and I took out my anger in Cedrick!
Nathan: well he is outside on the bridge if you want to talk to him!
James: you need to fix things between you guys
Gabe: I will.. now where is he?
Nathan: outside in the bridge!
Gabe: thanks!

I got up and walked out the room and down to the front door. I opened the door ignoring all the voices and I walked out.

I looked to the bridge and saw Cedrick leaning on a post looking at the water as he was silently crying.

I slowly walked up to him and stood beside him a little bit away.

Gabe: Cedrick?..
Cedrick: what are you doing here?.. I thought you said you wanted space..
Gabe: I don't want space! I never meant to act how I did towards you!
Cedrick: well why did you?.. did I do something wrong?
Gabe: you did nothing wrong! I just heard something from my family and I got upset and took out my anger on you! I'm so sorry! I love you more that anyt-

I was interrupted by Cedrick putting his hands on the back of my neck pulling me in and kissing me. I put my hands on his waist while kissing him back.

Cedrick pulled away and presses his forehead on mine. I smiled widely and kissed his cheek.

Cedrick: don't worry Gabe I forgive you!
Gabe: I love you so much baby..
Cedrick: I love you too!

I'm so glad he forgave me

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