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1401 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19102 • Imahr's Apartment

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1401 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19102 • Imahr's Apartment.

Since the dinner, Imahr hasn't been able to sleep the same. Each corner she turned, she expected someone to be following closely monitoring her every move, and it wasn't the cameras. Zwena knew something about her and she needed to know what it was.

Imahr's Confessional:
I've met Zwena before. It was at a team get-together and we talked for a few minutes, since then we haven't spoken much if at all. But I've seen her around and I'm afraid she's seen me around.

She'd just sent Zwena a text and instantly regretted it. Being friends with Himari she was sure she'd already made it onto a lot of the other women's bad books. In fear of making it into another person's bad book, Imahr sends another text.

what do you know?
sorry that sounds so ominous 💀 i just need to know for my own peace.
this is imahr btw

girl you scared the crap out of me 😭

i'm so sorry i didn't mean to. the look you gave me the other night at the dinner made me think you know something about me. i just need to know what it is.

i don't remember giving you any look but...i did see something when the guys had open scrimmage toward the end of the off-season 👀

"Open scrimmage toward the end of the off-season..." Imahr repeats silently staring up at her living room ceiling. Not one secretive activity she'd partaken in came to mind.

you're killing me...spill

you and tisse.

All the blood left her hands leaving her palms as cold as an air conditioner in the arctic. The memory comes rushing right back into her head. Matisse had come into her office with a sore wrist Doc demanded he gets looked at knowing Philly's history with injuries. They weren't together but they flirted each chance they got and had engaged in other activities together. Imahr was the most professional person at work and each time she wasn't, she made sure no one knew about it. Carelessly, she and Matisse shared a kiss in the office with the blinds open. Unbeknownst to them, Zwena was passing by and caught a very clear view of the two locking lips.

don't worry tho. no one else knows.

oh thank goodness

y'all are honestly so adorable i see the vision 🤭

please don't tell me it's obvious 😰

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