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Asmiah's eyes linger far too long on the text, that she completely tunes out Nicolas' concerned questioning. "Yo, Miah— Asmiah are you good? We could postpone this if you need to attend to something."

"No, no I'm good." Asmiah responds once out of her trance. "But um... Remember when we established we were attracted to each other?" Asmiah squints looking up at Nicolas. Unsure of where Asmiah was headed he nods his head reluctantly, promoting her to continue, "Yeah, we said that this wasn't anything long-term and that neither of us should build unrealistic expectations..."

As Asmiah's words hung in the air, Nicolas shook his head letting a dry chuckle lose. "Asmiah, Asmiah, Asmiah..." He repeats her name thrice, shaking his head.

"We talked about this, Claxton..." She exhales deeply not understanding what his problem was.

Asmiah's Confessional:
I have no idea what his issue is. We came to an agreement and he knew what he was getting into. I'm tired of constantly being the villain.

"Yeah, but you can't just play with someone's emotions like that, Asmiah. You're hot then you're cold, one minute you're giving me all the right signals, the next you're telling me what's happening isn't happening. That's just not right." Nicolas' monotone turns accusatory. He's seen this happen with every man Asmiah has entertained in the past, he was sure he'd be one of them as well but his emotions made things what they weren't.

"Nicolas I told you whatever this was," Asmiah points between them leaning forward to match his tone, "wasn't going anywhere. You knew what you were signing up for, don't blame me just cause your feeling got hurt."

"Whatever, man." Nicolas pushes off his car, walking the distance to get into the driver's seat. Once inside he doesn't drive off. Instead, he waits for Asmiah to enter her car and drive off before he himself can leave. He was one hundred percent sure they'd never speak again but he still cared for her safety.

With the Claxton problem technically taken care of, Asmiah sets off to the one destination of importance on her GPS. Thirty-two minutes alone separated her from the one moment she's been longing for since her break with Domantas was official.
Upon arrival, Asmiah parks her car amongst the various other cars before alighting and looking around for Domantas' tall frame. A loud horn sounds off three cars away from Asmiah's promoting her to turn around. A heavy lump develops in her throat once she catches sight of the bearded brunette man.

He digs in his pockets before raising his left arm to wave Asmiah over. Two blocks of cement seemingly replace her feet as she struggles to close the distance and make her way over to Domantas.

"Hey." She barely lets out once near him.

"Hey." He replies almost at the same volume. The two stand there staring at each other almost both in shock that they were in the same city and speaking given they hadn't seen each other since Lithuania. After a moment, the lingering silence grows awkward and Domantas decides to speak up, "You want to fly a kite?"

"What?" Asmiah smiles taken aback by his offer.

Domantas mirrors her grin lifting up his right hand to reveal two kites, one was a butterfly and the other a colourful parrot. "I heard they had a kite festival here today and I remembered you've never flown one before. So I picked these up slightly last minute."

Asmiah's smile only grows with the sentiment. They weren't speaking but she was still the first on his mind, that gave her hope. "You're going to teach me?"

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