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16908 Bosque Dr, Encino, CA 91436 • Caris and Nikita's Vacation Home

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16908 Bosque Dr, Encino, CA 91436 • Caris and Nikita's Vacation Home.

|Saturday June 5th 2021 • 06:02 PM|

Caris, Nikita and Darryl, Caris' brother, sat around the dining table each holding Uno cards. They were on their third round of Uno and Darryl had spent nearly ten minutes of each confusing everyone of the rules.

"No, I swear you can finish with a power card!" Darryl exclaims sitting up straight.

"Man relax, we've told you twice before." Caris interjects, tired of his brother's constant complaining.

Nikita laughs pushing the deck closer to Darryl, "Bestie, just take the L and pick a card."

Darryl sucks his teeth picking up another card. He turns it up looking at it and his face falls. "His ass probably got another power card." Caris laughs looking at his wife, whose laughter rang out at an equally loud volume. Interrupting their laughter was the doorbell. Caris gets up leaving his cards face down, he takes a few steps walking away before turning back and collecting his cards. "I know how much y'all like cheating."

"Who is y'all?!" Nikita asks Caris' disappeared frame in shock.

Shortly after, a faint sound of the door opening is heard in the dining room. Following was Caris' jubilant voice, "Z!"

Darryl and Nikita share a look of confusion, Darryl posing the question, "Who the hell is Zed?"

Nikita's eyes nearly bulge out of her sockets in realization, "Zee." She corrects in a tone suggesting Darryl already knew who Zee was. As carefully as she could she stands up shuffling her feet quickly to the front door, Darryl following close behind at a much slower pace.

"Oh my goodness, Zwena." Nikita exclaims taking the taller woman into a tight hug. "You're back!"

"Yeah, I figured I probably shouldn't miss anymore games if I want to be awarded for being the best player in the league." Zwena shrugs with a bright smile.

Nikita tunes out the conversation between the other three people, taking a second to observe her friend. Zwena's hair was tied up in a full pineapple bun; her brown skin evidently tanned due to the tan lines her ankle bracelets left where they once decorated. Her glistening lips held a lifted smile complementing her equally glowing skin.

Tuning back into the conversation, Nikita has one goal. It being getting Zwena away from the LeVert boys and in private.

"Boy, trust me no one wakes up and decides to live in Indiana voluntarily." Zwena jokes in response to Darryl questioning her reason not to sign with the Indiana Fever.

"Speaking of fever, let me fuel your baby fever with all the stuff Caris and I got for the baby." Nikita links her arm with Zwena's leading her up the stairs.

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