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Kaunas, Radikiai, Kaunas County, Lithuania • Domantas' Vacation Home

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Kaunas, Radikiai, Kaunas County, Lithuania • Domantas' Vacation Home.

| Sunday May 30th 2021 • 04:27 PM |

A thick blanket of tension covered the residence. Asmiah and Domantas had just arrived following a slightly less uneasy plane ride. Words couldn't begin to describe how vexed the power forward was. Before making the trip to Lithuania, the couple spent a day with the Monét family.

Asmiah's Confessional:
Where would one even start? Uhh since even before Dom and I were together, my family has never approved of him. They don't like him one bit. I guess that's why I always pushed back any chance he would have to meet them. 'Cause my family gets mean and that in itself is underselling it. They have absolutely no filter and will tell you whatever right to your face. I'd been successful in keeping him and my family away from each other until yesterday...

"Miah, I hope you understand how embarrassing that was for me." Domantas speaks breaking a silence he'd held since leaving New Orleans.

"Baby, I told you how mean they can get. I had no way of stopping that." Anticipating Asmiah's exact response, Domantas leaves not a second before he replies.

"But you did. Your mother, to my face, said you probably don't like me as much as you say you do, that you don't believe in what we are. You're telling me you couldn't shut that down?!" He was fuming. This was one of the first times Asmiah had ever seen Domantas angry. Throughout their whole relationship he's been the light, cheery half of the couple. Especially when in Lithuania with his immediate family. But now, now it all crumbled. His usually straight eyebrows were now arched, three thick frown lines keeping them separate, his skin a light pink tint and his nostrils flaring with every heavy breath he took.

"You and I both know that's not true. I love you and nothing anyone else says should make you ever doubt that." Asmiah steps forward attempting to bridge the large gap between them.

"This wasn't just someone, Asmiah. This was your mother. You tell her everything about your life and unlike you, she doesn't possess a filter." Silence washes over the two sending a subconscious shiver down Asmiah's spine. She hated when he went silent. It always meant he was filling in blanks on his own, creating a dystopian version of truth. Before Asmiah could interject, he speaks again in a lower, more monotonous voice, "If you don't really want to be with me you don't have to. No one's forcing you to be here."

"I want to be here, Dom. I want to be with you. Please, you have to trust me." Asmiah's voice cracks not able to conceal the hurt much longer. "I've barely ever loved myself as much as I love you, and you know how much I love me some me."

Domantas stares out at the deer that had strayed into their back yard, a common occurrence that usually would've sent his lips curving upwards into a gleeful gleam. Taking his drifted attention as an opportunity, Asmiah moves closer to him the sudden movement bringing back his gaze down towards his girlfriend.

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