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85 Jay St FRONT 8T, Brooklyn, NY 11201 • Himari's condo

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85 Jay St FRONT 8T, Brooklyn, NY 11201 • Himari's condo.

|Thursday June 10th 2021 • 11:07 PM|

Himari paces back and forth impatiently in her building's empty, partly outdoor movie area. It being 11PM on a Thursday, no one really looked to use the space, except Himari.

Himari's Confessional:
Himari lets out a shaky sigh adjusting herself on the seat, So um, I figured it's only right for me to tell Kevin about Blake. I mean, he's his teammate and I feel horrible. Since the day Yadira found out I've only been with Blake once before breaking it off completely. I don't expect Kevin to take it well but he's unreasonably understanding so I have no idea how this will go. All in all, he's too good for me to be doing all this to him when he's been nothing short of amazing to me. I need to release him from the shackles of myself...

In between what seemed to be her millionth trip around the same length, familiar footsteps sound in the balcony-esque space.

"What's up, baby?" Kevin greets stopping a meter away from Himari. Himari freezes in space staring at Kevin. Not receiving the warm hug she usually instantaneously gives him, Kevin concludes something's wrong. "Are you good, Hima?"

"No. Please sit." Himari speaks in a monotone, taking a seat in front of the fireplace. Hesitantly, Kevin lowers himself onto the seat adjacent to Himari.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point. I'm horrible and I deserve nothing but the worst from you. I swear I didn't mean to hurt you but that doesn't change the outcome." Reciting what she's been practicing for two days straight, Himari keeps her tone emotionless.

"What are you talking about, Hima?" Kevin asks, worried.

"I cheated, Kev." Himari admits openly, now on the verge of tears. To say the least, nothing could've prepared Kevin for what Himari had said. The added information not being any easier to take, "With Blake."

Kevin chuckles shaking his head in disbelief. "Are you serious right now?"

"Yes, and that's one of the many reasons I think we should just call this the end of the road that's our relationship." Kevin shakes his head again running his hands down his face. What could he even say in the moment? "Kev, holding on to this relationship is like holding on to water."

"Well get a fucking cup then Himari! We're not your parents and you're not in a relationship by yourself!" Kevin states involuntarily raising his voice out of frustration.

"Well it feels like it sometimes, okay!" Himari matches Kevin's volume sitting up straight. "We're never around each other enough to know what infuriates the other. For god's sake we're engaged and I don't even have my damn toothbrush in your condo."

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