Two Birds, One Shot

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Hey all! Holy cow, it's been a while since I posted! As an apology, I will have post Chapter 2(this one) up to Chapter 6!! Enjoy!!

Also, thank you SO much to @i_Red1412_i for reviewing these chapters!! Enjoy folks!

Fun facts:

To wear an albatross around the neck means to bear a heavy burden or overcome an obstacle

Owls gather sound from their surroundings via their round eyes.

"I've had enough of you!"

"Oh my bird, go back to sleep, already."

Don't open your eyes, Sora whimpers under his breath.

Mother's upset.

"Are you patronizing me, even though you woke me up?!"

Father's upset.

"No. You're tired, so I'm suggesting you get more rest."

Here we go again.

"Well so-orry that I want to spend time with my boys."

How long did peace last this time? A few minutes? That's pretty good.

"Hey, they're half of me, as well!"

As Father once explained it, they're always competing with who's the proper parent.

"You weren't even there when Taka was born!"

Playing pity.

"I was trying to fly away from death's net. What did you expect?"

Guilt tripping.

"I tried contacting you for months! But noooo, you were too wrapped up in your bundle of world-endangering secrets!"


"I had told you the night before I left that I would be out of reach for a while."


"Listen, Sir Eagle Eye, you never specified anything."

Making excuses.

"I was never given details."


"That's because you make your own rules without consideration of others."

"Yes, that was necessary for this mission."

Elder Brother once told me it wasn't always this way. What happened?

Suddenly, something taps his head. Sora peeks through his feathers to see a blob reach out. He sighs and extends his tiny talons.

"Well, you went too fast for your own good!"

Mother always pulls that when she's frustrated.

"If I hadn't prioritized the assignment then my boys would not be living this life! And you wouldn't have a career."

Father always goes back to that.

Outside, Taka picks up Sora under his armpits and hops away several trees. Alas, their hearing is a double-edged sword.

"Again, with the career! You're always harping on my job. You admire it so much, so return to YOURS! Your eyesight and hearing have deteriorated and your wings aren't as mobile, but you're not blind, you still have a brain, you can still fly."

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