Take Off

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A cloud of dust erupts, prompting Sora's tiny lungs to work overtime.

"Arrrrrrre youuu okayyy?"

Sora regathers his breath and looks to see his arm in the older boy's grip.

"Oh my goodness...I didn't expect this...The rumors were true after all," Has--errr Slice--drawls.

Sora shakes his head and looks through the cloud. Slice is standing in the middle of the room, still enshrouded in darkness. Sounds of shuffling emit from the side. The boy whips his head to watch Hawks sit up. Suddenly he grips his left shoulder. His pearly whites bare in a rectangle. His eyes appear narrow, however, the dusty yellow thing makes this hard to distinguish.

"Cough cough What cough rumors? HACK!"

Slice chuckles.

How did I shiver again? It's Summer.

"That the Number Two Hero - Wing Hero: Hawks - officially retired! For good!"

The brunette's gaze whips back and forth between the two. Hawks' body shakes as he slowly rises. Slice's arms move wildly.

"I had always thought he just disappeared into the underground. After all, he was definitely a wild card. Yet, here I am able to soundly knock him to his feet. Twelve years of nothing really takes a toll on you doesn't it?? HA HA HA HA HA!! What a fool you are!"

"Agghhhh," Taka moans, "She neeeeeds to shut uuuuupp. I 'ave a headaaaache."

"My career needed a temporary hold. Family first," Hawks sputters.

Slice's jaw clenches. Her nose crunches while her eyes become slits.

"Huh? You mean brainwashing a couple of brats?!"

"Slice, let's settle this peacefully. I don't want to hurt my boys."

Slice relaxes with the dust. One hand goes on her hip. The sunlight lights up her face as she cocks an eyebrow. She tucks a shiny lock of hair behind her ear.

"Ohh? What's the proposal?"

Hawks stands at full height. His body casts a shadow that nearly reaches her. The wings reform, yet even their shadow can't reach her.

"Come quietly. We'll make things less of a hassle for you at the jail. And then my boys won't have to experience any bloodshed. Slice, you're a good person, you're just unlucky. I apologize for the unnecessary violence earlier. I had no idea who I was dealing with."

Slice freezes.


"You heard what I said. Surrender in peace."

Her eye twitches. The corners of her mouth crack, releasing the jaw to the floor. Only skin keeps it from dislodging as she roars with laughter!


Sora furrows his brows. She gasps for air and lets out a huge sigh.

"Ohhhh Hawks....ever the hypocrite...your body may have weakened, however, your attitude didn't."

Sora looks up at Hawks, who maintains his steady gaze.

"Slice, please listen. Apart from your actions on Nabu Island you're a rather tame villain."

Slice's entire face darkens. She shoots forth an icy glare. The hairs on her head prickle and spike.

"Of course that's how you see it..." In the blink of an eye her entire head resembles a hedgehog.

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