Solo Muster

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Taka feels his consciousness return. He cracks his eyes. Everything is still relatively dark. Thankfully his head is cushioned. He tries to move his body. At least the nauseousness is faded. Unfortunately his wings and shoulders are tremendously stiff!

Crap...I won't be able to fly like this...

As his neurons process the movement in arms and legs, the muscles loosen. Taka drags his hands to his head before pushing against the mattress.

I have to get to Sora quickly...

"Nnngggh," he moans. Vertigo smacks him in the face once he assumes a sitting position. He feels his body weight pull forward. Taka eyes the spinning pillow. It looks so welcoming...until his chest collides with something sturdy.

"Ghoof!" he grunts.

"Elder Brother? Are you okay??" a voice pips in the distance.


Drool oozes down his chin. Taka attempts to wipe it off. Unfortunately the coordination between his brain and limbs isn't fully working....He ends up swiping three times before removing the fluid.

I thought I was over thissssss!

"Elder Brother? Did the drug wear off, yet?"

The whuuuu....

The small weight pushes him upright, sending his head into even more of a tizzy.

"No, not yet, Soramorui. It'll be a few more minutes," a female voice answers.

Taka freezes. That sounded like...hers....yet it wasn't...

"Oh, okay," Sora whimpers.

We have to get out of here! Now!

Taka moves the support and moves his legs...or at least, makes a valid attempt. He shifts one hip up and moves his ankle over the edge of the futon. Aha! Now that one leg is out, he can move the other one, too! The moment his second foot touches the floor, he throws his body forward. Now to wal--Woah! Woah! Stupid knees keep wobbbblll--


"Elder Brother!!" a voice shrieks. Small, weak limbs wrap around the eleven-year-old's chest. He feels his body being hoisted a whole millimeter off the ground.

"Gahhhhhhhh, I'mmmm fineeeee," Taka heaves. He glues his bare forearms to the freezing metal and lifts himself again. Unfortunately, the dizziness punches him in the face. He leans forward. The worried weight supports him. Taka sits up, only to see a kaleidoscope. Gravity pulls him down. A small voice keeps him conscious. Just as he's about to hit the ground, he manages to get his hands under his shoulders. His muscles violently quake, threatening to give out. His heart rate increases. Breathing becomes rapid and shallow. What should he do??

Hey, Taka!

Taka halts...

If you ever feel tired from exertion, just take in some deep breaths to calm yourself down, okay? Otherwise you'll end up with sore muscles like your Papa, haha!

Taka snaps his head up. A pair of golden eyes stares into his soul....but these ones are round...and very large...and very very close...As in...blocking out the rest of his vision...



Sora half somersaults away! Taka's back slams against the futon. The rush of neurons exploding in his wings and shoulders snatch his breath!

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