As the Crow Flies

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Sora's sleep-deprived eyes groggily stare down at the paper. The mysterious arrangement of letters and numbers scrambles his brain. Drool hangs all across his bottom lip.

'What am I supposed to do with this? Eat it? ' he wonders.


Sora half lifts his gaze across the table. Taka sits upright as he clicks the pen. His chest swells along with his beaming smile. The glimmer in his golden eyes easily shines through his goggle-like glasses. Behind him, the front door's light illuminates his bright red wings with gold tips. Taka places his hand on the paper and slides it to his left towards a neat stack of books. Sora blandly watches his mother take the paper from the other side of the stack and look at it. Immediately his brother folds his hands and waits. After a few moments, she nods.

"Yes. That's all correct," she states before handing it over the books. Taka neatly places his paper on a straight stack to his right. Then he reaches behind to grab another piece.

"Sora?" his mother croons. Sora's eyes blink unevenly. His head twists to look at her. Her sharp eyes refuse to be closed by the heavy bags underneath. The bright afternoon light highlights unusual rough spots on her skin. The creases in her leather jacket continue increasing. She taps the table with a talon.

"Come on. Do your multiplication tables."

"Hmph," he mutters. Fukuro exhales heavily. She snags the paper's corners and holds it up to his face.

"You absolutely need to know these for school in two weeks."

"Ah do, Mawder," he yawns.

"Two times two."

"Four," he groans.

"Three times three."

"Nine," he drawls.

"Six times seven."

"Forty-two," he sighs.

"Mother, he's reading off the chart," Taka interrupts.

"Hey! Don't interrupt, Elder Brother! That's mean!" Sora squeals. Fukuro promptly puts the paper face down on the table and looks at her eldest.

"Takakei. It's rude to interrupt," she firmly states.

He harshly scribbles out something. "Yes, ma'am," he grumbles.

She looks at her youngest. "Soramorui. No need to start crying," she croons. The little boy meekly nods.

"Alright pop quiz for both of you."

Taka lifts his gaze, his golden eyes radiating enthusiasm. Sora feels his entire body melt into the wooden floor.

"Ready? Two times twenty."

"Forty," the boys answer simultaneously.

"Nine times seven."

"Sixty-three." Again it's a tie.

"One-thousand times seven."

"Seven-thousand," they chime in sync.

"Mother, those are too easy!" Taka gloats. Fukuro smirks.

"Very well then. Takakei, seven times eight divided by nine, then add three."

A wisp of air whisks through the room.

"Nine point two repeated!" Taka answers. Sora remains silent. Fukuro nods.

"Woo hoo! Yes!!" Taka hollers, shooting his fists into the air. Sora sniffles as water spills out of his droopy ovals.

"Why do you give us such hard problems?" he whimpers.

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