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Dragon narrowed his eyes hiding his slit pupils that burned with hatred and slight flickers of curiosity

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Dragon narrowed his eyes hiding his slit pupils that burned with hatred and slight flickers of curiosity. "And what exactly are my dreams kid." He retorted pushing himself away from the group as his sword disappeared.

"The extinction of heroes." The girl stated her grin widening even more once she noticed how his jaw clenched his veins popping through his skin.

Dragon let out a deep set of chuckles, "You're wrong kid." He remarked holding out his arms for a bow with three lightning arrows to float in front of him and quickly shot them to the group. To his surprise, an invisible barrier stopped the arrows from hitting anyone making Dragon click his tongue.

"So it's true you gave up your title for a hero. How touching." The girl proceeded to fake being emotionally touched by the truth before she mockingly giggled. "Karina." She called out to her comrade.

Karina, a fairly tall girl stepped forward, her irises turning white as she levitated a voodoo doll that had the exact features as Dara. "Seem familiar?" Dragon's face grew dark causing Karina to feel proud of her creation.

"You plan on tricking me with some dumb doll." He irritably mumbled.

Karina swished her right hand lifting a silver sharp needle and levitated it above the doll's stitched heart. "I haven't killed someone with my dolls in a while. Shall she be my first?" Her menacing words irked Dragon.

"Why exactly do you need me to help you?" He hissed out cocking a single brow indicating that he was paying attention to their proposal.

The girl clasped her hands, "Well your powers are quite useful for our plan–though outdated, they still can be beneficial." She watched as Dragon tilted his head at her response. "We can also provide a secure place for your dearest hero if you promise to join us."

He pondered on her proposition of course he knew they brought up Dara to coax him into agreeing. They somehow learned about his one weakness and used it against him, a typical villain move. "Alright I'm in." The idea of protecting Dara greatly played a huge factor in his decision.

"Perfect. We'll keep in touch with you when we're ready to move." She nudged her head making Karina throw a card his way. Slowly every one of her comrades entered the portal.

Dragon analyzed the black tarot card seeing a location and a strange set of numbers. "What do I call you by?"

The girl turned to face him, "Minnie is my name." She answered before disappearing into the dark abyss.

"I can't believe his mother hid her identity for so long." Chaeyoung commented while she and her classmates waited outside in the field.

"It's not shocking at this point. Imagine the ridicule she would have faced if the public knew she married one of the top heroes." Namjoon added sympathizing for Mrs. Jeon.

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