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|| zahra |
Waking up to reality is one of the most dreadful situations. Especially when you have to move out of your fathers house. Today is the day me and Mama are leaving and I'm still very anxious about the whole thing.
Mama has decided to go with nothing but me, she's leaving behind all  things attached to the marriage. We are going to a house she rented in suncity estate, it's been furnished and all but we have to shop for clothes since Mama doesn't want to go with anything.

A knock on the door got my attention
" Assalam alaikun" Mama came in
"Wa alaikumus salam, ina kwana Mama (good morning Mama)" I greeted
" lafiya, baby how was your night ?" She answered
"Your uncle is already here to pick us up, you should get ready and then you can greet your Father on our way out" she added
"Okay Mama" I answered
Mama saw the worry in my eyes so she hesitated a little before leaving the room.

I showered 🧼 and got into one of my summer gowns, it has a long sleeve and floral design all over it showcasing pink and white shades.

My steps are still asleep not knowing we are leaving today, I tiptoed to make sure they don't wake up and make a scene.  I headed to Baba's chamber.

"Assalamu alaikum" I went in my heart beating the wildest it has ever.
" ina kwana Baba (good morning)"  I greeted him
He looked up from his newspaper and gestures to the door, directing me to get out.
Knowing what he's capable of I did even try to protest, I walkout and followed Mama to the car

" uncle Mo !" I was so happy to see my mum's brother. He's always been
"Nanana!" He calls me nanana, like since forever.
"Let's get going, before you two start" Mama said getting in the car.
The drive to suncity was a little long and I just looked out the window throughout while Mama and uncle Mo spoke. They knew I had much on my mind so they let me be.

The house is so cute. It has three bedrooms, a marbled kitchen, a classy parlor with dining area by the side and a small garden up front. Cute !
My room has grey deco and Mama has an all white room with glass deco and the other room was empty. I love everything about this place, I could stay here forever.

The door bell rang and I went to get the delivery, we ordered food since we are not settled in yet. After a lot of chat and laughter we went shopping in the evening to get basically a stater pack, we did both clothing and groceries. It was tiring we slept right after.

Two mornings later
It really still feels like I wake up to a dream every single day ever since we moved here.
Today Muhammad Abba is coming to see me for the first time after the incidence.
I just laid in bed daydreaming....

I'll wear the silk mustered gown I bought and cover up with the same silk mustered veil, I'd look like Amarya (a bride) and I'd serve him my special recipe or cream potato pie and hot sauced buttered steak with a chilled home made orange juice. I'd look at his face carefully to take in all the details I've missed, his beautiful jawline and that hair of his that I'm dying to touch.

"Zahra !" Mama startled me
" what are you grinning at ?" She asked with a tease on her lips, she already knows.
I covered my face and ran to the kitchen to make the meal. I finished and sat with Mama in my room, she wants to talk but for some reason I'm shy today.

"Zahra" mama called
"Uhmm" I mumbled
"We've never been so free and close but you have been distancing yourself from having conversations with me, ask me stuff and let me mummy you" Mama still has that tease on her face, I know what she's asking for 🙈
"Uhm I'm really nervous, he's coming to see me after all that has happened" I said
"My baby girl" Mama laughed
"You are going to be amazing, you are the most beautiful baby girl and also the most well behaved. You are going to keep stealing his heart over and over again" Mama is obviously teasing me with the way she's looking at me, she know how anxious I really am.
"How was it when you were getting married Mama?" I asked
"It was a rush that gave me 🦋 butterflies, your father will send gifts and my sisters will tease me and chase me around the house. We didn't have phones then so he had to come often just to talk to me. Those days make me pity the situation your father is in now, in my heart I know something is wrong somewhere because the thing we had isn't something that can just go away"  Mama spoke about Baba for the first time after we left.
"I'm so sorry for asking Mama, I know it's painful" I pleaded
" it's alright baby, Allah always has a plan. We pray and the best outcome comes to us" she said
"You should get ready before he arrives" she added leaving the room.

I dressed exactly as I daydreamed earlier,  all I have to do is seat in the parlor and wait. We still don't have phone conversations, it was Mama that told me he's coming. Now I will have to wait with my heart in my hand as I seat around.
He's here, the doorbell just rang and I will have to be the one to open it. Ya Allah be with me, bismillah.

" Assalamu alaikum"  Muhammad Abba came in.
I walked back into the parlor as I answered
"Wa alaikumus sallam"
We sat opposite to each other, I couldn't look in his face as I planned.
"My shy shy" he teased
"Why don't you like looking at me ? I'm I that hideous?" He asked
It was totally reflex as I quickly looked up at him with wide eyes, before I realized he said all that to get a reaction so I just smiled and looked back down.
"Oh you are looking down again koh (right)" he teased
"excuse me, I'll be right back" I said
I went in and told Mama, she said she'd see him only when he's about to leave. So I came back and directed him to the dinning table, he insisted I stay and eat with him but I ran away thinking of how awkward it would be.

When I got back he was already back in his previous seating position.
He started using his fingers to wiggle his ear when He saw me.
"Amarya, your food is delicious I think I lost an ear back there" he teased
"Laaa" I said laughing as I sat down
"Today we must talk about everything and about nothing, you will give me your phone number and I'll disturb you everyday for the rest of our lives" he teased
I just handed him my phone right away, he looked surprised but he collected it and dialed his number and called it so that he'd get the number. He saved  his number on my phone as honeybun 🍯 and saved mine as sugarplumwifey ❣️. He showed me the screen and I blushed while he handed me back my phone.

We really did talk about everything and nothing this time.


Omg! It is really the cuteness for me
I love this guys like for real

Sorry for the late update, it has been quite hectic.
I hope you enjoy it !

What do you think will happen ?
Is her father done with her as he is her mother ?
Are they goigoing to peacefully get married?
Is the step mother not a problem again ?

😘 xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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